
Neem(Azadirachta Indica) products are well known for their antifungal andantibacterial property. The neem extract obtained from the trees leaves whenfixed on the woven fabric with fixing agents, it shows some interestingphysical and biological properties. The finished product was subjected to IR, wicking,antibacterial tests for commercial exploration.

Keywords: Neemextract, IR, Abrasion resistance, wicking test.


Someof the herbal compounds obtained from plants are well known from timeimmemorial as antibacterial and anti fungal products. These plants and treeproducts are applied directly on skin or wounds as paste or in caution eitherfor skin care or wound healing. These natural products are abundantly availablein nature and are widely distributed. They are cheap and not processed and canbe used as raw materials for required applications. Apart from dyeing; thesemedicinal products posses distinct odour for identification. These plantproducts are non irritant to skin and non toxic. Many of these materials areskin care products. The stem, bark, leaf, root and tubur of the plants and treescan be used for special application. Neem is a medicinal tree whose bark, stem,leaf, root and fruit can be used for antibacterial and anti fungal action.

Inthis paper particularly neem products are studied in detail. Neem contains avery important constituent namely "NIMBUS" (C30H36O9).This compound has the property to act against bacteria. Recent literaturereference has been cited to use products derived from neem (Azadirachta Indica)for fixing on fabrics especially on cotton fabrics.

Whenthe seeds or leaf of neem is crushed either as raw or as dried material andthen an extract is made in aqueous solution, all the soluble products from aticotion, which is filtered and the filtrate is used for all the studies.

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Aboutthe Author

The author is Sr. Lecturerin Department of Textile Technology at Jaya Engineering College.