Careful planning is the key to success

In the past a number of new spinning technologies have beenintroduced to compete with ring spinning. While the air-jet spinning andfriction spinning both has application in specific markets, the open-end rotorsystem eliminating roving, winding has been very successful and grabbed aconsiderable share of the short-stapled cotton spinning market, as this systemachieved tremendous increase in the production against Ring spinning. Thoughthis system's productivity is more when compared to other systems. Otherquality parameters limited the commercial application of its yarn to the coarsecounts. Among all technologies. Still conventional ring spinning remainsuncontested on quality standards and continues to dominate the high value addedyarn markets.

During the last two decades components of ring spinningmachines have been greatly improved, changes in drafting system, drive systemsand robotics have enabled large gains in productivity, flexibility and quality.Most of the technical advances in ring spinning were aimed at improving theperformances on the existing technology.

In recent years, however a bonofied innovation has occurred.It is called compact or condensed spinning, because it minimizes width andheight of the spinning triangle associated with ring spinning

Several experts have described the technical principles ofcompact spinning that result in a more organized structure without peripheralfibers and with a better twist distribution. As a result of this enhancedstructure. It has been shown to effectively improve yarn quality and enhancedstructure its performance during downstream processing and now is undisputedaccomplishment.

With the market introduction of "Compact Ring Spinning"in late 1990s, the situation in ring spinning has changed fundamentally. In allrelevant quality criteria. Genuine condensed or compact yarns are substantiallysuperior to conventional ring yarn to such a degree that it is no longerpossible to speak of a standard market value. In the best sense of the word.This is a revolution in ring spinning and even at this point in time. One cancategorically say that the future belongs to compact yarns. Compact spinningtechnique can be used universally for all raw materials, blends as well as forthe complete count range without restriction.

In compact spinning the spinning triangle associated withconventional ring spinning is eliminated by pneumatic compaction this happensby suction and compaction on a perforated revolving drum/ apron in the frontzone of the drafting

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About the Author

The author isspecialized in Compact Spinning, having 2 decades of rich experience in reputablegroups and mills. He is also the writer of a book on "Statistical qualitycontrol".