
In the last 100 years, the Handloom industry one of theancient industries of India has faced a lot of changes in the form ofmechanization, fibres used, refined methods of manufacturing and designing etc.It has been estimated as the second largest industry in India in terms of providing employment to the rural mass and its contribution to GDP.

Due to brutal competition from other sectors, handloom haslost much of its significance and market share, has become almost unreal inmost countries. However, India and some other Asian countries such as Srilanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Cambodia are still maintaining its legacy as anemployment provider in rural areas.

By giving life to this down-falling industry, India canimprove its chances of global supply of handloom articles which are veryspecific to India and make up a huge footprint in global market.

In order to meet the changed competitive conditions due to globalizationand liberalization of the economy, there is an urgent need for upgrading thetechnology levels currently prevailing in the weaving segment. This calls forthe preparation and implementation of proper action plan in which all thestake-holders i.e., the government, the weavers and the other interest groupsget fully involved. In order to prepare an effective perspective plan, anattempt has been made to understand the supply chain problems of Handloomsector, so that solutions may be given.

SCM and Its Importance

Supply chain management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing andcontrolling the operations of the supply chain with the purpose to satisfy customer requirements as efficiently aspossible. It encompasses the planning and management of all activities involvedin sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management activities.Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration with channelpartners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party serviceproviders, and customers. Successful SCM requires a change from managingindividual functions to integrating activities into key supply chain processes.

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About the Author

The author is Lecturer for MBA Dept. in Paavai College ofEngineering, Pachal, Namakkal.