Lately I have noticed that many website owners are looking to upgrade their marketing efforts on the internet, and they are looking at options that are outside the box, so to speak. Jay Conrad Levinson has referred to these methods as 'guerrilla marketing', and the internet is really the perfect arena for such guerrilla marketing techniques, as it tends to offer a more level playing field for the entrepreneur than most other media mediums, such as television, for example.

The website owners I am referring to seem to realize that the standard online marketing efforts of building a website, submitting it to some directories, swapping links with likeminded websites and joining toplists and/or webrings may not be enouph anymore.

Perhaps the first thing you should do to reach the wider web is to start blogging. If you do not already own a blog, also known as a weblog, then creating a blog is your first step. You can do this very fast. Creating a new blog at, or only takes a few minutes and is free. Then link your blog to your main business website. What many smooth guerrilla marketers do is to seamlessly combine a personal and business blog together to reach a wider audience, figuring that a blog with at least some personal posts will appeal to a wider audience.

Basically, Your blogging topic can be in any subject area that you choose, but give some thought to your potential clients, as you will want the audience of your weblog to be potential customers. The use of blogs is really one of the best ways to advertise your business products or services because a blog usually gets indexed quickly and regularly by the search engines, because blogs are known to be typically updated ona regular basis and are thus considered by them to be fresh content, which of course is what their users want. Blog marketing has been dismissed in the past as trendy, but the denial stage is over, and you should probably be doing it.

In addition to blogging, many website owners these days are building Myspace websites so as to improve and expand their networks. While myspace is mainly a personal or social networking site, it can certainly have business functions as well. For instance, you will eventually have friends and contacts linking or visiting your myspace profile page. Since they contacted you, you are allowed to contact them, in a business way if you desire to.

You are also allowed to have a free blog with this service to go along with your profile page and contacts can link to your myspace profile page. This is a great way to build online relationships, meet new people and ultimately expand your business reach. This can be very important for someone who is in network marketing, for instance, as your contacts are your prospects. Or to someone in real estate. As in network marketing, in real estate your contacts are also your prospect as you never really know where your next client or sale will come from.

About Author:

Ryan Joseph is a writer/researcher. For more information at