
Dyes are substances used to impart color to fabric, food andother objects. Synthetic dyes are used extensively for textile dyeing and asadditives in petroleum products. The textile dyeing process requires a largevolume of fresh water with fairly high purity and discharges equally largevolume of wastewater after dyeing process. In this work, the fungus Pleurotusflorida isolated from Western Ghats was grown on potato dextrose brothexhibited laccase activity together with lignin peroxidase (0.10 U g-1)and Manganese peroxidase (0.6 U g-1) activity. The maximum amountof laccase produced was approximately 4.8 U g-1 after 8 days offermentation using 4-week old inoculum. Bacillus subtilis, were obtainedfrom Tamil Nadu agricultural university, Coimbatore. The spore suspensions of Bacillussubtilis Cot A was used and it exhibited laccase like activity. Thereactive dyes selected in this work are reactive yellow, blue, green, purpleand red. The paper effluent were collected from Seshasayee paperboard, Erode,Tamil Nadu, India and the textile effluent were collected from Together textilemills, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. It was found that, out of five reactivedyes, a maximum decolorization was observed on reactive yellow (90%), reactivegreen (90%) and reactive blue (86%) using consortium of Pleurotus floridacrude extracts and Bacillus subtilis CotA spore suspensions instead of Pleurotusflorida extract alone. In case of Paper and textile effluents 90%decolorization was achieved in the first day using Pleurotus florida crude extracts and Bacillus subtilis CotA spore suspensions. This studyprovides evidence that the enzyme obtained from the white rot fungi Pleurotus florida could remarkably help in the dye degradation of textile effluent.This is an eco-friendly, cost effective technology worth consideration bytextile manufacturers

Keywords: Decolorization, dyestuff, effluents, laccase,tyrosinase, White-rot fungus

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About the Authors:

The authors S Shanmugam, Sathish Kumar T. and Rajasekaran P. are associated with Departmentof Biotechnology , Kumaraguru college of Technology , Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India and Palvannan. T is from Institute of Botany and Microbiology Department ofBiology Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Department of MolecularMicrobiology, VIB Kasteelpark Arenberg 31, Belgium.