Source: Textile Review

It is defined as a group logically related tasks that usethe firm's resources to provide customer-oriented results in support of theorganizations objectives.


Considering customers rising demands sophistication requiredand for the changing needs, this will enable organization to face the competitionlocally as well as globally. Change is necessary considering the technologicaladvancement and customer's preferences.

BPR is the main way in which organizations became moreefficient and modernize. Business process re-engineering transforms inorganizations in ways that directly affect the performance (Peter Carter).Keeping in view, the three driving forces namely customer, competition, andchange.

BPR produces radical improvements in performance

Customers are very diverse, segmented, since competition hasintensified to meet the needs and expectations of customers, change has becomepervasive, persistent, faster and a prerequisite. Those companies who thriveon mass production alone may not survive for long when customers demands keepchanging, demands requires flexibility and quick response.

According to Hammer and Champy, BPR is the fundamentalrethinking and radical redesign of business process to achieve dramaticimprovements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost,quality, service and speed.

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About the Author

The author is whole time Director, Kanco EnterprisesLimited, Ahmedabad

Originallypublished in: Textile Review, August-2010