Source: Tekstilna Industrija



Thepaper presents changes of plain-weft knitted fabrics extensibility made of 100%Cotton yarns after finishing operations. For this purpose has been usedmultiple regression method with three independent variables. It was concludedthat dyeing parameters have a decisive influence on plain-weft knitted fabricsextensibility and according to this textile materials destination may establishthe optimal values of finishing process parameters leading from the designphase of knits to knitted textile surfaces with predetermined characteristics andappropriate knitted fabrics appearance according to destination.

Keywords: plain-weft knitted fabrics, finishing process,multiple regression method, extensibility


Knittedfabrics represent a category of textile surfaces very high demand and valued byconsumers because they present a number of advantages such as: easymaintenance, increased comfort in use, etc. The main disadvantage of theseitems is a low dimensional stability, especially after a series of wettreatments faced by technology to achieve only in humid. For these reasonsfinishing knits are made with well established technological parameters, withspecific equipment and technologies leading to an acceptable dimensionalstability [1].

Fabricextensibility represents the fabric capacity to reach the maximum value ofelongation under forces below breaking point. During the handling, the fabricselongate so it is important to understand this process, especially in case ofweft knitted fabrics [2, 3].

Thepurpose of this work is to establish the influence of dyeing parameters on plain-weftknitted fabrics extensibility.

Theexperiments were performed using a multiple regression method [4, 5], taking asindependent variables dyeing time process (minutes)-X1, dyeingtemperature (C°)-X2 and pH dyeing bath noted with X3 andas dependent variables the knitted fabrics extensibility noted with Y.

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The authors are associated with Gheorghe Asachi TechnicalUniversity, Faculty of Textile-Leather and Industrial Management, Iasi, Romania

Originallypublished in: Tekstilna Industrija, September - 2010