Market Intelligence App

Delivering Price Trends and Latest Textile Industry Updates

Acting as the go-to source for authentic textile market information, the Market Intelligence App brings you raw material pricing and latest updates from around the world covering various textile value chains. With updates on feedstock, intermediates, fibres, filaments, and yarns, the app will help you keep a finger on the pulse of textile industry, including a wide range of products, such as crude oil, naphtha, acrylic value chain, nylon value chain, viscose value chain, polyester value chain, cotton, wool and spandex.

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Daily, weekly, fortnightly, & monthly market watch reports on industry prices, & comprehensive market updates

Daily, weekly, fortnightly, & monthly market watch reports on industry prices, & comprehensive market updates

Real-time interaction with analysts for instant solutions

Real-time interaction with analysts for instant solutions

Up-to-the-minute industry updates and news from around the globe

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