Lenzing Group: Leading Sustainable Fiber Innovation Lenzing Group Mission Statement Lenzing is a performance materials company that turns CO2 and sunlight into highly functional, emotional and aesthetic products across the globe. We create value with eco-friendly, innovative and top-quality products and services. We operate our business sustainably and create value for all stakeholders. We improve our eco-footprint and that of our partners in the value chain. We create growth and learning opportunities for our highly engaged employees. The Lenzing Group has a strong tradition as an innovative company. Almost every groundbreaking innovation in the field of wood-based fibers over the last eight decades has originated in Lenzing, including the revolutionary further development of viscose fibers , Modal fibers and naturally the Lyocell technology featuring the Lenzing brand TENCEL®. Lenzing has been and still is the center of global fiber innovation for sustainable fibers produced from the renewable raw material wood. read more

Message from Top Management
Mr. Stefan Doboczky CEO, Lenzing Group/Robert van de Kerkhof, CCO, Lenzing Group What does sustainability mean for the global fiber market? Doboczky: Sustainability is a key growth driver in the entire industry. The global fiber market is developing positively due to favorable macroeconomic conditions and the increasingly important issue of sustainability. Accordingly, the Lenzing Group is operating in a growth environment. In particular, we benefit from the good eco-footprint of our products. What does sustainability mean for the Lenzing Group? Doboczky: The sustainability strategy of the Lenzing Group is firmly embedded in the corporate strategy “sCore TEN“ as published in the autumn of 2015. sCore TEN stands for profitable growth on the basis of producing environmentally compatible specialty fibers and defines sustainability as a key corporate value. Sustainability is an integral part of all organizational functions across the company and is considered in all strategic and business decisions. Lenzing fibers are made from wood – how important is sustainable sourcing of wood and pulp for the Lenzing Group? Wood-based and renewable fibers are our business, i.e. sustainable sourcing is absolute key! Climate protection and responsible purchasing, especially of our renewable raw material wood, comprise key issues in Lenzing’s sustainability efforts. Our customers turn increasingly to raw materials that do not cause any unnecessary burden to the environment, neither at the beginning nor at the end of product life.
Mr. Van de Kerkhof CCO, Lenzing Group What does sustainability mean for the Lenzing Group? Sustainability is of vital strategic importance to Lenzing on two different levels. On the one hand, as a company we strive to achieve a balance between the three cornerstones i.e. People, Planet and Profit. We aim to do business in a way that Lenzing’s business operations and products create more benefits for the society, environment and the economy than the impacts they cause. On the other hand, sustainability is a crucial growth driver for us, and in particular an objective of our research, as demonstrated by the ecological footprint of new products.

Life-cycle thinking is an essential part of Lenzing’s sustainable approach and contributes to improve the environmental footprint of the final textile and nonwoven products. This approach supports transparency and supply-chain traceability, thus mitigating risks for our value-chain partners and ourselves.”
What does this mean for your products and customers? The large textile and fashion brands which we supply are always on the lookout for something new. They want innovations with regard to ecological and social sustainability. Thanks to our products we are able to fulfill these demands. A recent consumer survey concluded that Lenzing Modal® and our lyocell fiber TENCEL® are closely associated with sustainability. For example our flagship product TENCEL ® uses 20 times less water and considerably less land than cotton and has a significantly better footprint than comparable fibers. This is the kind of innovation our customers are looking for. Lenzing fibers are made from wood – how important is sustainable sourcing of wood and pulp for the Lenzing Group? The Lenzing Group has comprehensive certifications on the natural origin of our raw material. All our standard fibers boast the prestigious USDA Biobased label, certifying their natural origin.

Lenzing is clearly committed to avoiding the use of wood and pulp from ancient and endangered forests, and has been able to verify its sustainable procurement practices for years on the basis of recognized certifications. A range of other labels certifies our fibers’ biodegradability and compostability – so the Lenzing fibers originate from nature and finally turn back into nature..
Lenzing Group Awards The Lenzing Group’s achievements in the field of sustainability have repeatedly been confirmed by various awards.
European eco-label - most important benchmark for the Lenzing Group In 2002, Lenzing became the first fiber producer in the world to be awarded the EU Ecolabel. The EU Ecolabel has been an important benchmark for the Lenzing Group ever since due to the strict criteria for awarding it and the high level of public recognition it enjoys.
Compostable TENCEL® and Lenzing Viscose® nonwovens fibers have been certified by DIN CERTCO as compostable products.
USDA Biobased Lenzing has earned the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label for seven products and/or product families. The USDA Certified Biobased Product Label verifies that the products and/or product families amount of renewable biobased ingredients meets or exceeds levels set by USDA
VINÇOTTE TENCEL®, Lenzing Viscose® and Lenzing Modal® (raw-white and COLOR) were awarded the “OK compost HOME” certificate from VINÇOTTE. The Belgian certification company VINÇOTTE examines and recognizes products which are suitable for both industrial composting as well as for the proper disposal in