Our company would like to connect with manufacturer/ wholesaler/ distributor of Metal Snap Buttons . Our requirement is for metal snap buttons in a...
We are looking for a responsible and trustworthy manufacturer of Woven Buttons . Our company is looking to purchase clothing accessories,...
We are on a pursuit for a good supplier of Woven Buttons . Our requirement is for buttons made of metal, wood, and MOP (mother of pearl), in size...
We have a demand for Denim Metal Donut Buttons . At present, we are looking to purchase denim metal donut buttons for men's jeans in sizes 14 and...
We require to purchase various kinds of Buttons with 4 Holes . At present, we are in need of buttons specifically designed for cotton men's pants....
We are looking for a responsible and trustworthy manufacturer of Plastic Buttons . Our company is interested in purchasing plastic buttons, standard...
Our company desires to purchase Plastic Buttons . Our company is in need of plastic buttons, size 18 line, intended for use in men's bottom wear. We...
Our company desires to purchase Polyester Buttons . At present, we are actively having buyers for polyester buttons, available in sizes 16 line to...
Export Synthetic Stone Buttons
We want to connect with manufacturer of Export Synthetic Stone Buttons . At present, we are interested in procuring Export Synthetic Stone Buttons,...
We are in need of supplier for Plastic Snap Buttons . At present, we are actively interested in sourcing plastic snap buttons specifically designed...
We are on a look out for the purchase of Plastic Button . Our purchase encompasses plastic buttons in sizes 16, 18, and 20, with a requirement of...
Our company desires to purchase Fancy Buttons . Our purchase encompasses fancy buttons made of polyester and adorned with moti, intended for...
Our company desires to purchase Metal Snap Buttons . Our snap buttons, crafted from metal and available in sizes 12mm, 15mm, 17mm, and 19mm, are...
We are on a pursuit for a good supplier of Cardigan Buttons . Our company is looking for cardigan buttons made of wood, purl, polyester, and metal....
Our company is on a pursuit of an exceptional quality supplier of Polyester Buttons . We want Polyester Buttons specifically for women's wear...
We are in need of supplier for Polyester Shank Buttons . We have Polyester Shank Buttons designed specifically for cardigans, available in sizes...
Our company desires to purchase Plastic Snap Buttons . At present, we are actively seeking a supplier for 100% plastic snap buttons in sizes ranging...