
Leadingdyehouses specialising in the exhaust dyeing of Cellulosic fibres have beenreviewed across Europe, Asia and the Americas. The study as a whole took placein a series of completely independent dyehouse audits, each as part of agreedquality and productivity improvement programmes with the managements concerned.

Thestudy in its entirety covered a wide range of different types of reactive dyestuff,applied on a complete spectrum of exhaust dyeing machinery types, and across adiverse range of cellulosic knitted fabrics and yarns, on cottons of different origins.The study as a whole has led to some startling conclusions.

Theindustrial concerns studied in depth shared two common features which arerelevant to the subject of sequestrants. They all used softened water; but hadfailed to recognise the danger of hardness from other sources. Hard water,containing both alkaline earth and heavy metals, is known to cause processing problems with reactive dyes. The manufacturers of reactive dyes themselves issue veryclear warnings to such effect.

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