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1. Introduction

The production of core yarns has continuously grown sinceabout the middle of the sixties. Meanwhile, approx. 10 million ring spindlesworldwide produce core yarns.

The spinning of core yarn is costly and complicated.Irrespective of these handicaps, the demand for such yarns is continuouslygrowing. Growth rates of 200,000 to 300,000 spindles per year are expected infuture, too.

Core yarns consist of a filament core covered by staplefibres. This design permits to ideally combine the advantages of filaments(elastomers) like high strength or high elongation, with those of the staplefibres like textile appearance and touch, moisture absorption or expansion(cotton) or light resistance etc. The essential quality characteristic of coreyarns is the best possible coverage of the filament core with the leastpossible slippage of the covering fibres. SUESSEN has supplied for many yearsmost different devices to produce core yarns and goes on with this traditionoffering new, until now unrivalled products like EliCore andEliCoreTwist for the manufacture of compact core yarns.

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About the Author

The authoris the Technical Director Ring Spinning, SUESSEN