Celtic Jewellery like the Celts themselves has arich history and a proud tradition. Immensely beautiful with intricate Celticsymbols and delicate designs, Celtic cross Jewellery, Celtic knot Jewellery,and beautiful Claddaugh rings have been admired and desired for thousands ofyears.

Celtic Cross Jewellery

One of the most enduring, and coveted"gifts" of Celtic culture is Jewellery featuring the Celtic Cross.According to Irish legend, St. Patrick created the first Celtic cross bydrawing a circle over a Latin cross.

For an Irish Catholic, the circle in the Celticcross may be a symbol of eternity and the endlessness of God's love. It caneven represent a halo emanating from Christ.

Some say the four "arms" of the CelticCross represent the elements (fire, earth, air, and water). Others believe thecross denotes the four directions of the compass, and still others feel it is arepresentation of human existence - mind, body, soul and heart.

Celtic Knots

The most distinguishing characteristic of Celticknots is their intricate patterns and design...and the debate as to the meaningof those designs. While it is unquestionable that many of the ancient designshad some significance, those meanings changed from tribe to tribe and locationto location.

Many believe that the intricate looping in knotswas a way to keep out evil spirits. It is also generally accepted that thelooping Celtic knot design denotes eternity and interconnectedness. Still,there is no definitive guide as to the meaning of Celtic knots which, adds,perhaps to their mystery and appeal.

Claddagh Rings

Named for the town of Claddagh near Galway in which they are said to have originated, Claddagh rings are beloved Celtic symbolsof Irish culture and sentiment. Unlike other Celtic symbols, the meaning behindthe Claddagh ring is well-documented. The Claddagh design has a heart(symbolizing love) topped by a crown (symbolizing loyalty) held in two hands(signifying friendship). The phrase that is usually associated with the givingof a Claddagh ring is "Let love and friendship reign."

It's not surprise that the Claddagh is a popularmarriage band. In Celtic times, it was worn on the right hand with the heartturned outward to show that the wearer is unattached or with the heart turnedinward to show he/she was "spoken for." If the Claddagh ring is wornon the left hand with the heart turned inward, it shows that two loves havebeen joined in marriage.

Celtic Then and Now

At one time, Celtic people could be foundthroughout Eastern and Central Europe, as well as in the British Isles, wherethe earliest examples of Celtic Jewellery originate. The emergence of thepowerful Roman Empire encroached on the lifestyle, traditions, and homeland ofthe Celts who were forced to move to abandon their homes and relocate in remoteareas in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Cornwall in southern England.

Despite their hardships at the hands of theRomans, Celts endured, thrived...and continued to produce Celtic Jewellery. Thetradition has remained strong for centuries. Irish Celtic Jewellery andScottish Celtic Jewellery have enjoyed a huge resurgence in their homelands andwith "ex-pats" around the world, as people seek to rediscover andcelebrate their cultural traditions.


The Author is a Marketer and writer
