Source:Tekstilna Industrija.

Abstract: Energy consumption for cooking and reeling operation in a domestic reeling unit of 6-basin was calculated. It is found that on an average 1000 kg firewood is required for production of 60 kg raw silk in conventional energy management. A new modified energy management process with solar water heating system and a mini-steam boiler yields a saving of 54% firewood consumption compared to conventional process.

Keywords: Silk reeling, Sericin,Firewood, Deforestation, Energy


Silk reeling industry is energy intensive in all stages of production like, cocoon drying, cooking, reeling and re-reeling. Being cottage industry located mostly in villages and towns, the industry depends on firewood and other different sources of agriculture residues for energy needs. It is estimated that 1,45,000MT/year of fuel wood and 1,70,000MT/ year of other biomass consumed for production of raw silk in India as other commercial fuel sources (e.g. coal and LPG) are not favoured due to limitation of price and environmental pollution.

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Originally published in: Tekstilna Industrija, September - 2010

The authors are associated with Central Silk Technological Research Institute, BTM, Layout,Madiwala, Bangalore, India