Home furnishings are as diverse and individualistic as the people who buy them. There are so many variables when decorating a home that it takes more than a rudimentary understanding of design concept to pull off a successful look. Home furnishing includes the articles that decorate arouse and make it more comfortable. It includes the furniture, fittings, linen,flooring, and plethora of the other accessories like bed spreads, furnishing fabrics, curtains, durries, placements, table covers, and many more things. For making all these articles firstly discarded saris were collected.

Then a market survey was done for checking the acceptability level of these articles and for checking the knowledge of the techniques used in manufacturing of these articles such as quilting. Then preparation of sheets was done. Thirdly all the sheets were evaluated by the target group and lastly the highly rated sheets were converted into prototypes. After construction of these articles again the prototype were evaluated by the target group for checking the acceptability of these articles. And it is found that most of the people were interested in these articles.

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