In this endeavor hair-length groups desired (≥1, ≥2and ≥3 mm) and undesired (< 3 mm) S3 hairs are predicted in p/w yarns.The DRF yarns have been produced as per experimental plan developed by using box and behnkens design for three levels selecting wool fiber length, TM and strand spacing as variables. The conventional double yarns produced by all three fiber length at TM 2.25 were compared. The results elicit that variables have influence on hairs of all groups. The hairs (all groups) are lesser in DRFyarns than conventional yarns produced by different fiber length comparatively.
All groups hairs decreases as fiber length increases. The2 mm and 3 mm hairs are reduce as TM increases. The 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm hairs are increases however S3 hairs very minor reduce when spacing increase. The 1mm hairs numbers are prominent. The combined effect of TM and strand spacing is visible as both variables are increases the hairs of 1 mm, 2 mm and S3 are increases however 3 mm are decreases. The hairs were found lowest 1 mm 639, 2mm 215, 3 mm 215 and S3 170 and highest 1 mm 840, 2 mm 283, 3 mm 245 and S3 195respectively.
About the Author:
Mr.Lokesh Shukla is associated with the Dept. of Textile Technology at the Govt. Central Textile Institute, Kanpur, India