We all love fancy products. But do we know who is paying for our fancy choices? We, our family or friends? Or the spouse? Well, whomsoever is paying, they are only paying some pennies.

There is a huge cost that our mother earth is paying. Yes. products that we buy speaks a lot about our personality, but what we choose to pick speaks louder. And earth? It cries loudest. Our choices are making earth ugly and the worst place to live for the entire living community.

We are treating the earth as if we have some other planets to go. That’s awful.

I wonder who would like to live on an ugly planet. Would you?

If not, then be conscious about what you shop, why you shop and most importantly how you dispose of.

The scariest news of the year is – only 9% of the world is circular and the trend is negative, according to the circular economy. What’s more disappointing? The circularity gap is nowhere closing.

In the race of sustainability, are you ready to reach to embrace circularity?

If yes? Here’s how you can do contribute your bit towards circularity.

Smart product manufacturing and use:  Choose product smartly and be more confident with your choice. Use products which are manufactured smartly in every aspect – features, quality and eco-friendly. 

According to a report by Capgemini, manufactures predict that 47% of their products will be smart, connected and generating product-as-a-service revenue by 2020. Click to tweet

Below circularity factors are helping these manufacturers to attain their sustainability goals.

1)   Refuse – Time to ditch the futile products by dumping its function. Choose the same functionality with a radically different product. Choose multi-functionality item over single functionality item. While shopping apparel, refuse clothes that you don’t have any plan to wear at least 30 times. Pick the clothes that you’re sure to wear them till the last.

2)   Rethink – All products are unique their way, think before you buy them and once you brought, ensure the maximum and right use of products. Make each product use more, more and more intensive. Take out every single drop invested in it by sharing, distributing, and donating.

3)   Reduce – Manufacture more efficient product and prioritize them to use. Brands need to consume fewer natural resources and materials to increase their efficiency, and you need to consume less through an ultra-efficient product. Choose classy and be sassy with your circular choice.


Secrets to ensure the long life of products: If you are an eco-conscious shopper, then making your products last longer it the foremost thing to get an ethical and sustainable collection. This practice is good for both pocket and planet. Make sure you don’t relinquish products before time. Increase the life of products by adopting some simple practices.

1)   Reuse – No product deserves an abandon! So, what to do with the items you are bored? Goods in good condition that fulfills its original function can be given out to new consumers. And those which not in so good condition can be treated accordingly.

2)   Repair – We usually think buying new items is easier than repairing the old ones. And you even find new goods at a cheaper cost than the repairing cost of old ones. Then why to repair? Because the production of new products has a massive impact on the environment, climate, and the people making them.

3)   Refurbish – Worn and torn items, that we are habitual of dumping can do a better job for us. Start restoring some old goods and bring it up to date. Stop dumping every old product just because you get more updated options. Recover the products by fixing them and flaunt them with an eco-friendly style.

4)   Remanufacture – We all have learned to produce “Best out of waste”, but how many of us do that? Its high time for Earthians to produce a new product from second hand. Remanufacturing is building a whole new product by using the good parts of discarded products with the same function.

5)   Repurpose – Do you have waste products with some good parts? If yes, then they are not waste. You can transform these discarded products or its parts in a new useful product with a different function. You can give new purpose to discarded goods and regain their value.

No waste is a waste: Everything that you consider as waste is not a waste. There is always the next step to get the best out of it. And reducing its bad effects on the environment. If we all start considering waste as a new creation, we can surely reduce the circularity gap. Do you still doubt? Follow the below step and move a step forward to circularity.

1)   Recycle – If 99% of a product is recycled and only 1% is left, then that 1% of waste has a significant impact on the availability of scare resources. That’s why it’s important to process material to obtain the same or lower-quality product. Almost everything that you use is recyclable when it comes to textile and clothing it’s nearly 100% recyclable.

2)    Recover –  Waste that cannot be treated in any other way goes under incineration to recover energy. Recovering the energy and using it in new products can help us in the race of circularity. To reduce the circularity gap, it’s important to put energy back to the planet’s natural resources and climate.

Wrapping it up:

The future demands a transition to circularity– a world where material can be used in all the ways at their highest potential using 9R’s. The transformation from the current linear “take-make-waste” economy towards a circular economy is becoming a mainstream topic for many industries. And businesses are moving forward with their best efforts to achieve maximum circularity. These R’s contribute to various percentage to achieve 50% of circular evolution. Major textile and apparel brands are redefining their business model by transforming waste into value streams.