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Interview with Mukesh Matta

Mukesh Matta
Mukesh Matta
VP-Business Development & Sustainable Initiatives
Pratibha Syntex
Pratibha Syntex

The latest research trends focus on new fibres like Nettle
Pratibha Syntex, a leading name in the Indian organic cotton industry, is renowned for sustainable textile products. Its clientele covers leading global brands. The company hopes to grow internationally in a short span of time. In an interview with Fibre2Fashion.com, Mukesh Matta, VP-Business Development and Sustainable Initiatives of Pratibha Syntex talks about the company's expansion plans.

What is the size of the organic farming industry in India? How much of this is held by Pratibha Syntex?

In India, organic cotton is produced over 101 million hectare. Average annual production is recorded at 222 million bales. Pratibha Syntex is engaged with around 16,000 farmers and uses around 5,000 MT of organic cotton lint per annum.

What is Pratibha's USP?

Pratibha's USP is responsible and responsive fashion, from farm to fabric. Pratibha considers sustainability one of its core values. Our focus is on-time delivery and we continuously work towards reducing lead times.

What sustainable solutions are followed in the Indian textile manufacturing industry? Which, according to you, are the areas of improvement?

Sustainable solutions in the Indian textile manufacturing industry are mostly material-driven. Some examples are: 1. Organic cotton, BCI and fair trade as sustainable cotton fibre 2. rPET (Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate) as manmade synthetic fibre 3. Lyocells as regenerated cellulose fibres like Tencel, Excel etc The focus should now shift to processes and practices for the next area of improvement.

How can wastage be minimised in the textile and garment manufacturing processes? What role does Pratibha play here?

The approach to reducing wastage is multi-pronged at Pratibha. We take steps like: 1. Reducing waste through shorter process cycles with low impact chemicals 2. Maximising reuse of waste during the intermediate process 3. Maximising dyeing on low-salt and salt-free methods to reduce final sludge 4. Working on the best marker efficiency by incorporating this as an integral role of the design team.

What has been the growth percentage at Pratibha Syntex over the last five years?

We have managed to sustain growth despite a challenging market. The average turnover in the last five years was around Rs 825 crore. With increasing demand of value-added products, we have introduced a range of new products. These have impacted our business positively.

Please share details of your last two fiscals and your expectations from the coming two.

We posted a turnover of Rs 828 crore and Rs 819 crore in fiscal 2014-15 and 2013-14 respectively. We are expecting a turnover of Rs 1,500 crore by 2020.

What are your latest research findings?

The latest research trends focus on new fibres like nettle, considered one of the most sustainable fibres. It consumes negligible water and grows on arid land. It is one of the best ecologically suited natural fibres and can change the future of the clothing industry. In time, I will be able to reveal more about this project.
Published on: 11/03/2016

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.