Interview with Mr Cass Johnson

Mr Cass Johnson
Mr Cass Johnson
National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO)
National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO)

Domestically focused to ensure a prosperous future for the US textile sector and globally driven to utilize the vast resources of its allies to establish a balanced and fair trading environment, The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) is a unique association representing the entire spectrum of the textile sector. From fibers to finished products, from machinery manufacturers to power suppliers, NCTO is a broad based lobbying organization that represents the interest of the domestic textile industry in Washington DC and thus is the voice of the US textile industry. Mr Cass Johnson is the President of the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) who, prior to joining NCTO, worked with the American Textile Manufacturers Institute (ATMI) for almost 13 years. Mr Johnson started at ATMI as an Assistant Director of international trade and left ATMI as interim President. During his tenure at ATMI, he worked primarily on bilateral and multilateral trade issues concerning the textile industry. These included the NAFTA agreement, the Uruguay Round agreements, the CBTPA legislation, the AGOA legislation and the proposed CAFTA agreement. He has also served as the principal industry Advisor during more than 45 bilateral textile negotiations, including those with China, Vietnam, Pakistan and India. At ATMI, he also produced major studies on textile market access, the impact of the quota phase-out, the textile crisis and currency manipulation. He has also represented the textile industry in hearings before Congress, the International Trade Commission and the United States Trade Representatives Office. He is a member of the ITAC-13 – the government trade advisory council that represents the textile sector. Mr Johnson has a BA in English from UCLA and an MBA from the same school. Commenting on various issues raised by Face2Face team, Mr Johnson describes the current state of US textile industry; the challenges that remain; and the contributions of NCTO in serving the cause of the US and the global textile industries.

Could you please describe the current state of US textile industry?

While the US textile industry is the third largest exporter of textile products in the world, certain sectors of the industry are facing difficult times. For example, US textile mills that produce yarns and fabrics for apparel saw significant shipment and employment declines last year. Other sectors, the industrial fabrics, nonwovens and specialty fabrics are doing better.

What according to you are the major factors for this?

The removal of quotas has allowed countries that heavily subsidize their textile and apparel exports to gain an unfair advantage in the global marketplace. Producers in these countries have taken market share away from the US industry's major export markets - the NAFTA and CAFTA trade preference areas - as well as other suppliers. As a result, US textile mills have lost business and have had to lay off workers.

While quotas were in place, the ability of bad actors to utilize unfair and illegal subsidies to dominate the market was held in check. With quotas either going or gone, these bad actors are now poised to take the lion's share of the world's textile and apparel trade. At NCTO, we are looking closely at how we can use US trade law and WTO rules to go after these subsidies themselves.

I am pleased to report that in recent months, the US government has taken a more aggressive stand on countries that subsidize their manufacturing sectors. Specifically, the government has agreed to self initiate dumping cases against Vietnam, if Vietnam dumps apparel in the US market. And, on a much broader and perhaps more significant level, the government recently overturned 20 years of precedent by agreeing to impose punitive tariffs because of Chinese government subsidies, including banking, tax and export subsidies, in a recent case on glossy paper. Both these actions are indicative, I think, of a rising tide of public concern in the United States about countries that don't play by the rules and use unfair trade practices to destroy American businesses and take American jobs.

Plants closures are making a poor reading of the industry in the United States. Where do you feel the US textile manufacturing sector is heading for?

As noted above, the prognosis for the sector is complicated. In the long run, the industry is doing what it needs to do in order to survive. The industry continues to invest heavily in new plants and equipment- in fact it invests 50 percent more than the other US manufacturers in new technology. And the industry continues to develop new products with more and more mills concentrating their efforts on higher value added goods.

Unfortunately, US textile mills all too often find themselves competing against foreign governments, rather than just foreign mills. That is a hard battle to win. China, for example, recently announced its eleventh Five Year Plan for its textile sector and the list of subsidies and hand outs its industry receives from the central government is a sight to behold.

A noted US economist and Nobel prize winner, Robert Samuelson, recently wrote 'It is not "protectionist"(I am a long-standing free-trader) to complain about policies that are predatory; China's are just that' and then went on to note that China's policies threaten to upend the entire post World War II trading system. So China is the wild card, not only for the textile industry in the US but for textile and apparel producers around the globe.

Do you feel whether adequate steps have been taken by the US Government to stall predatory tactics of China to save US manufacturers at home? What more can be expected as of now?

The US government took quick and decisive action to keep China from overwhelming the US textile and apparel market when it approved safeguard petitions filed by NCTO to re-impose safeguards on China in early 2005. The result was that our industry and those in other major exporting countries in the world- including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Mexico, etc.- did not see their industries swept under the Chinese tidal wave. This was a tremendous help not only to our industry but to the developing world as well.

Over time, NCTO has been tracking China's progress in apparel categories where safeguards were not been applied. The results are startling and give us a taste of things to come. Within three years of quotas being removed, China's market share went from an average 21 percent US market share to a 65 percent US market share, with the runner-up (Vietnam) attaining only a 4 percent market share. Nearly every other major supplier, including powerhouses such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey and Mexico, lost significant amounts of market share. In volume terms, Chinese exports in these categories increased by 1.5 billion square meters while the rest of the world lost nearly 350 million square meters. I understand that the situation in Europe is almost exactly the same.

This is clearly monopolistic behavior and should give everyone pause, particularly since the remaining US safeguards on the most sensitive apparel categories will be removed on January 1, 2009. Under current WTO rules, these safeguards cannot be re-imposed. While a number of countries are working hard at the WTO to get a new safeguard-Turkey, the Western Hemisphere (CAFTA/NAFTA countries), North Africa and the Middle Eastern countries-they are being blocked by China and, oddly enough, India and Pakistan. India and Pakistan stand to lose as much as the rest of us if China is granted unrestrained access to the US and EU textile and apparel markets, but their governments are instead standing shoulder to shoulder with China in preventing safeguards from being re-applied. This is a puzzling position that they may soon come to regret. When quotas were removed on China during five months in 2005, Chinese exports increased as much as 1,500 percent in the very same product categories that India and Pakistan export in.

As you can see, the core problem of the Chinese government's continuing intervention in its textile sector (as well as the rest of manufacturing) remains to be dealt with. Our industry is encouraged that the US Congress is now taking a more active role in China policy and NCTO is part of a broad coalition of manufacturing, agricultural and union groups that are pressing for punitive tariffs against Chinese imports if China keeps uses its currency as an economic weapon. We do not know if this will happen in time but the mood in Congress has certainly sharpened where China is concerned. We expect to see a major China bill coming out of the US Congress by the end of the year.

Can you please list out the valuable overall contributions of NCTO in serving the cause of the US and the global textile industries?

In terms of overall contributions, I think the China safeguards have to stand out. If NCTO had not acted, there would be no safeguards against China and most exporters around the world would be in serious trouble today. There is little doubt that major export markets in the Asia, the Western Hemisphere and Africa markets would be in shambles if NCTO had not taken the lead.

I think most textile producers around the world understand the threat. NCTO is a founding member of The Global Alliance for Fair Trade in Textiles (GAAFT), which includes textile and apparel trade associations from more than 60 countries. The major purpose of this group is to prevent governments like China from gaining control of this vital sector.

Through its safeguard petitions, NCTO was able to prevent China from taking over the biggest product categories (such as trousers, knit shirts, woven shirts and underwear). Today, the Chinese share is only 12 percent in these categories, compared to 65 percent today in quota free categories. I think this may have created an illusion among some countries that things are OK because their major export markets have not yet had to compete head to head with China. As I noted earlier, the governments of India and Pakistan, in particular, continue to aggressively support China's position on textiles at the WTO. We are all going to have work together if our industries are not suffer enormously when the existing safeguards are removed.

Any message you may like to share with more than a million members and visitors of fibre2fashion portal being accessed worldwide?

NCTO is an organization that believes in the benefits of trade and knows that our textile manufacturers can compete with anyone in the world when the rules are uniformly applied and countries are required to live up to their international commitments. The problems arise, as I have laid out above, when companies are forced to compete against predatory governments that are willing to sacrifice everyone else for their own benefit. NCTO is aggressively reviewing our options within the framework of US trade law, and looks forward to continuing to work with other associations and governments to prevent a few bad actors from establishing a cartel in textile and apparel production.

Published on: 28/05/2007

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