Interview with Imran Lateef

Imran Lateef
Imran Lateef

China and India are our biggest competitors
Texlynx is a major textile sourcing company based in Pakistan. The company exports yarn, finished fabric, griege goods, garments and home textile products to a large number of customers around the globe. In an exclusive interview with, Imran Lateef, CEO of Texlynx, discusses the textile sourcing industry of Pakistan in detail.

What is the size of the textile sourcing industry in Pakistan? How much of it is covered by Texlynx?

Pakistan exports 12 billion US dollars' worth of goods, out of which half the value is raw materials. The remaining 6 billion US dollars' worth of goods is earned from finished goods. Sixty five per cent of the total 12 billion consists of apparel. Thirty five per cent consists of home and hospitality goods. Texlynx enjoys a turnover of US$ 50 million dollars annually.

Which are the major export markets for textiles made in Pakistan? Which are the emerging ones?

North America and Europe are the main export markets for textiles made in Pakistan. South America, Russia and the Middle East countries are emerging export markets.

Which countries are your biggest competitors? What are your strategies to tackle the competition?

China and India are our biggest competitors. Both these competitors will always have their own markets of a size big enough to get their full attention. By default, we will always have our chunk.

Which are the three main sustainable policies followed at your units?

Compliance, quality and customer service are the three main sustainable policies followed at our units.

What are the HR practices that you follow which differentiate you from the competition?

We make our teams our partners in profit. We take care of the children of our female staff and make sure that they are comfortable. We also cater for lunch to all employees.

What is your market value? Please give details of your last two fiscals and your expectations for the coming two fiscals.

We have an annual turnover of US$ 50 million. To get an idea of our market value, if we sell our business, it will be worth US$ 7.5 million.
Published on: 09/12/2015

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