Interview with Mr Peter Stahlecker

Mr Peter Stahlecker
Mr Peter Stahlecker
Managing Director
Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH
Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH

SUESSEN is a German Company that develops and manufactures components and parts for staple spinning machines. Founded by Mr. Schurr and Mr. Grill in 1920, Suessen has witnessed 86 years of successful leadership in the world of textile machinery components. Along with the strength of more than 250 qualified, capable and loyal employees, continuity, reliability and last but not least, a thirst for innovation are the key factors that Suessen holds for its success story. Mr. Peter Stahlecker is the Managing Director of Suessen. Face2Face welcomes Mr. Peter Stahlecker as the personality of the week who presents his views on present global textile machinery scenario.

Can we begin with a brief introduction of Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH, since its genesis and the list of products it offers?

"Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH started operations in the year 1920 as a small engineering workshop in Suessen, Germany. Since then, it has grown into a global enterprise. Envisioned as the Technology Leader and Global Components and Conversion Supplier to the yarn manufacturing industry in both ring spinning and open-end spinning, we have popular range of products to offer that includes; State of the Art OE SpinBoxes for the R-40 fully automated Open End machine from Rieter, and for the Flexi Rotor 3000 fully automated Open End machine from Savio. In addition, we manufacture all OE spare parts, called Premium Parts for the Schlafhorst OE machines SE-7 to SE-10. EliTe® Compact System for Ring Spinning machines. We are the world leader in installed compact spindles. We are also the leader in India, the most demanding market for compact spinning in the world. We supply the full range of top weighting arms (HP-GX 3010, HP-A 410 / 510 for short staple spinning, long staple spinning, and for roving frames. Fiber Testing equipment QuickSpin, and MDTA"

What is your impression about the state of global textile machinery industry?

The industry is doing well these days, particularly because of the boom in India. China and Pakistan are also very good markets for us, but India is the most important one.

These days the trend is on buying second-hand machines. Doesn’t this affect your business adversely?

No, this does not affect us at all.

In the emerging scenario, how is your company planning to combat competition?

There is only ONE way to effectively combat the competition: Offer a more attractive package to the customer! We will continue to strive to offer our customers more value for money, better service and fast developments of products offering an edge to our customers.

What are the current trends in the development of SUESSEN?

"We always try to develop products, which offer value addition to our customers. The input of our customers, their criticism, their words of encouragement are important to us, and form a major basis for future developments. In addition to this, we make considerable investments in Continuous Research & Development, combined with applied research that is directly carried out at our customers’ mills. This ensures that we are able to further develop our technical and technological components in both an uncompromising and resolute manner."

Which markets and which clientele are you aiming for, in future?

Obviously, every spinning mill world wide who aims for value addition is our potential customer for EliTe® compact spinning.

Is there any product diversification on cards?

suessen is constantly working on improving the existing technology in an effort to stay ahead of the competition. The field of textiles and spinning is mature, and revolutionary developments are therefore rare. Suessen has been able to launch two such developments (Elite, EliTwist) within an unusually short period of time. They are being improved and perfected. I do not anticipate any revolutionary new development, neither from us, nor from competitors.

Anything more you may wish to add?

"Our decision to participate at this interview is based on our desire to emphasize the following: Our Technology Leadership in spinning The excellent SUESSEN product range The many benefits we provide for our customers in terms of improved technology and productivity Impressive return on investments achieved by the acquisition of modernization packages Continuous ground breaking innovation is the hallmark of SUESSEN!"
Published on: 27/11/2006

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of