Interview with Luciano Sardini

Luciano Sardini
Luciano Sardini

We will launch a new generation of technology at ITMA 2019
A consolidated reality in Italy and internationally, IMA Spa is well-known for offering customised and technologically-advanced solutions. In the last decade, the company became completely independent and has strengthened its position in the most extensive and specialised range of spreading systems. President Luciano Sardini talks about the increasing demand from Chinese companies to be held from 20 – 26 June 2019.

Which technologies does your company manufacture?

We manufacture machinery for the garment industry or the whole range for cutting rooms like automatic spreading and cutting machines. We showcased a spreader machine that is fully digital and has tolerance in millimetres, allowing saving of huge fabric volumes. On the other hand, conventional machines use analog technology and have a tolerance in centimetres. We are the first company to develop a digital spreader. The machine also needs less maintenance.

How important is the Chinese market for your company?

China is the most important market for us now. A year ago, we were not much interested in the market as the companies there thought our prices are very high. Now they have recognised the difference between us and our competitors' technologies and have realised the reason for the price differential. This has resulted in a rise in demand from Chinese companies. At this exhibition, we have received a good number of inquiries.

We are nearing the end of 2018. How has this year fared when compared with the previous year?

At the global level, we have a witnessed a little bit of slowdown in the beginning of the year. This happened particularly in India and Bangladesh. But now these markets have improved. We have set up our own office in India.

Please share your plans for 2019?

In 2019, we may have a surprise at ITMA Barcelona as we will be launching a new generation of technology and not just an upgrade. (RR)

Published on: 05/11/2018

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