Interview with Alessandro Marengo

Alessandro Marengo
Alessandro Marengo
Marketing Manager
Zaitex SPA
Zaitex SPA

Our range of GOTS- approved dyes on display at ITMA
Founded in 1974, Italian firm Zaitex SpA is one of the leading suppliers of dyes and auxiliary chemical products. Marketing manager Alessandro Marengo tells Fibre2Fashion why ITMA is better than other textile trade shows and discusses the new technologies.

Please tell us in brief about your company.

Zaitex is a 45-year-old company that trades in dyes and chemical auxiliaries for the textile, leather and a few other sectors. We have four branches in Italy. Two of these are dedicated to the textile sector and the other two for the leather industry. We have a specialised research and development (R&D) department that develops customised dyeing recipes for any kind of fibre. We do not have a manufacturing plant and get those manufactured elsewhere.Thanks to a well-equipped laboratory for analysis and R&D, we are able to develop bespoke dyeing recipes as per the need and request of our customers.  

What innovations from Zaitex were displayed at ITMA 2019?

ITMA is a nice place to promote our company and showcase our R&D skills to customers. We have recently developed a range of eco-friendly dyes approved by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) that we are promoting here, along with our other range of dyes. Our new range of dyes reduces water and energy consumption. We have also developed a range for denim and garment dyeing, which uses special enzymes working at low temperatures. We are also showing bio-treatment chemicals suitable for garment dyeing.

How many countries do you export to?

We export to around 30 countries.

Since how many years have you been participating at ITMA?

This is our second time at ITMA. The first time was in 2015.

How is ITMA compared with other textile machinery exhibitions in other countries?

We only take part in ITMA and no other exhibitions. We have realised that it is the best platform to promote our dyes and chemicals. (HO)

Published on: 09/07/2019

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