Interview with Hans Gerhard Wroblowski

Hans Gerhard Wroblowski
Hans Gerhard Wroblowski
Area Sales Director

We launched Eco-line for denims, Eco-Applicator at ITMA 2019
Germany's Monforts is a leading manufacturer and exporter of textile finishing machines globally. Area sales director Hans Gerhard Wroblowski converses about the technologies displayed at ITMA 2019 and more in Barcelona, Spain.

Please tell us in brief about your company.

Monforts started 135 years back and is the first company to produce modular stenters for all applications like woven or knit fabrics and technical textiles. We also supply dryers, dyeing ranges, condensing machines, shrinking machines, coating machines and other textile-related technologies.

Did you showcase any new technology or are you showing existing technologies at ITMA 2019? Please share a few details of these technologies.

We showed existing as well as new technologies. We were promoting a softener for coating and indirect coatings for basic textile and technical textiles, all of which minimise energy consumption. We mainly presented technologies for wet applications in dry and finishing units. Our latest development is our new Eco-line for denims. It is the only unit in the world where we have combined four types of processes in one machine. 

The second new product that we launched is called the Eco-Applicator. This technology provides 10-30 per cent energy savings when drying on stenters or relaxed drying units. Another new development is our two-in-one or combined yarn and fabric dyeing machine, which is also a first in the world. 

To how many countries do you export?

We export to more than 50 countries.

How many editions of ITMA have you been a part of?

Monforts has been taking part at ITMA ever since the first edition.

What is your opinion of ITMA, when you compare it with other textile machinery exhibitions in other countries?

ITMA is held every four years and we have enough time to develop and show new developments. Worldwide, ITMA has now been accepted as the platform where innovations are showcased. (HO)
Published on: 16/08/2019

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