Interview with Luca Formentini

Luca Formentini
Luca Formentini
Loris Bellini
Loris Bellini

We see a growing market potential in India, Indonesia and Vietnam
Founded in 1949, Loris Bellini is an Italy-based company manufacturing high quality yarn dyeing and drying machines. Luca Formentini of Loris Bellini in conversation with Fibre2Fashion talks about the Pulsar technology and the tremendous response received at India ITME 2016.

What are your expectations from the ongoing fair?

Expectations are very high, actually. Feedback during the past five days was very good. We had many people passing by so probably this was little bit more than I was expecting. I am happy about the response we have received so far.

How have your products been received so far?

I would say very well. Loris Bellini is well known in the market. We recently presented our latest yarn dyeing machine - Pulsar, which we recently displayed in ITMA Asia too. We are pushing this machine in the Indian market with all our possible efforts.  Customers who already bought this machine are actually in the process of repeating orders and this is extremely important to us as utter confirmation of how good this technology is so far, about 140 machines of this type have been sold worldwide.

How is India growing as a market for your products?

Very well! India is definitely one of our most important markets today and this is the reason why we are always trying to intensify our business relations with this country. India ITME is without any doubt a great chance to pursue this objective.

Which are your bigger markets apart from India?

I would say China, with India following very closely in second. This year we also had a very positive return from Pakistan and Turkey. Anyway, each country is important to us, no matter what the business volume is or will be.

Which are the emerging ones where do you see the potential growing?

We see potential growing markets in Indonesia, Vietnam and Ethiopia.

How would you describe the technology being used in India versus its contemporaries say China, Bangladesh?

India is for sure a textile country and for this same reason owners of textile companies keep their machineries very well updated. In addition, they know exactly what to look for as a consequence of their always growing experience. As far as technology goes, India is definitely in line with other countries like China and Turkey.

Which major fairs are you exhibiting at next year?

In 2017, I guess there are no major exhibitions such as ITMA or ITME, but we always try to be present also in smaller fairs. It is crucial to show customers that "you are there" and this is certainly one way to show them. In the future we will be participating in ITMA, ITMA Asia, and India ITME again, as we always did.

What kind of impact will automation and robotics have on the textile industries in South East Asia?

Requests for automation and robotics generally increase as far as the cost for manpower increases. To my knowledge today, South East Asia is still far from this situation, so I guess they will be ready to invest in automation somewhere in not so near future. We will be ready for it, whenever it will come.

Do you think demonetisation has affected your business?

Not really. Customers who want to purchase textile machinery, they will anyway. It is not affecting our business.

What are your expectation from the next India ITME?

Since I received a very positive feedback from this India ITME, I really hope it's going to be the same next time!

Any recent or up and coming innovations at Loris Bellini that you would like to share?

Our biggest innovation is the Pulsar technology, which was introduced during ITMA ASIA three years ago. Despite that, this technology is so innovative, it is getting more and more mature every day. We officially started working on the "Pulsar project" at the beginning of 2010, so we gathered an overall experience, which is nearly 7 years old now. Experience means knowledge and ability to successfully interact with customers' needs.
Published on: 28/01/2017

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