Interview with Andrea Rebonato

Andrea Rebonato
Andrea Rebonato
Marketing Manager
Framis Italia
Framis Italia

We focus on innovations, especially disruptive ones
Framis Italia, born 40 years ago, is into manufacturing polyurethane heat-bonding applications for the clothing industry. The company offers both heat-welding films and machines to use them. Andrea Rebonato, marketing manager at Framis Italia, chats about the various applications of tapes and films along with the company's unique heat-welding system.

Tapes and films are a very niche segment within the textiles and clothing businesses. What are the strengths of Framis Italia?

Since its origins, Framis Italia has always focused on innovation, especially on disruptive ones. It was the first company, 40 years ago, to promote the use in clothing of a new polyurethane elastic tape, the Framilon. From the experience gained in the following years in the polyurethane world, Framis had the vision to develop and improve the NoSo heat-welding system, the only integrated system that meets the demand for new creativity and improved quality expressed by major stylists and designers worldwide. Nowadays, counting on the continuous innovative approach, the very selected and specialised human capital, the cooperation with universities in R&D process, the ability to customise the products with an industrial approach but using an artisan vision, Framis is able to offer a quality and a service that are well valued by our customers and this is what differentiates us from our competitors. Tapes and films are a very niche segment within the textiles and clothing businesses. What are the strengths of Framis Italia?

Can you elaborate upon Noso bonding technology? How does it work?

Framis Italia is the only company that designs and develops both the heat-welding tapes and the machines to apply them. This unique project, called "NoSo bonding technology", is the only fully guaranteed system for seamless joining and welding, from production to application. While the other companies can only focus on one side of the technological process, either tapes or machines, Framis is able to intervene on both sides and achieve a customised and tailored solution for any specific customer. Once identified, the specific need of our client (from international top brands to their partner manufacturers), we can work closely with them and customise either the film/tape or the machine to achieve the best results for their demand. Can you elaborate upon Noso bonding technology? How does it work?

Framis Italia also makes heat welding and heat press machines. How does it fit into your business?

[Continuing from the previous response] Our focus is to offer  fully integrated solutions in thermoadhesive polyurethane applications with a 360° approach to the technology, being a strong partner of our customers rather than a mere supplier. To do so, the link between the polyurethane films and tape and the final garment and/or the application is the equipment used to apply them. We have a mechanical engineering division that works closely with our chemical division to develop the best solutions in term of thermowelding applications. At the same time, it offers a constant support to our customers in developing and implementing new ideas and new production processes.

Who are your major customers and which is the fastest growing segment for you among sportswear, fashion, innerwear and footwear?

Thanks to our integrated solution to the bonding manufacturing, we are very versatile and able to successfully switch from one sector to the other. Our range of customers includes global sportswear brands, big vendors, niche fashion brands, intimate players, very innovative designers and more. Moreover, thanks to our global vision over the market and the expertise in the bonding technology, we have been able to take inspiration from applications and ideas of certain markets, such as sportswear, to successfully introduce them among our clients of a very different sector. Who are your major customers and which is the fastest growing segment for you among sportswear, fashion, innerwear and footwear?

Your products are highly competitive. What kind of challenges do you face on the marketing front?

Our focus is to partner more with our customers. We are able to be more than a supplier to them, since we can offer a complete and integrated solution to their demands in term of bonding technology, and we are developing more and more tools to be as close as possible to our customers, such as analysing their needs, developing specific products or consulting them in implementing new processes. Your products are highly competitive. What kind of challenges do you face on the marketing front?

Framis Italia participates in exhibitions worldwide. How has been your experience with exhibitions? How about digital marketing and other mediums?

Trade shows are very important to us. Our customer-oriented mindset, mixed with our global approach, has always been a plus in reaching new markets and dealing with new customers. Among our clients, moreover, we are recognised for our innovative culture, and they can't wait to come and see us asking for our novelties. In this connection, an appropriate digital marketing plan is fundamental to be more connected with our customers, not only to promptly communicate any news about our world, but also to get their feedback, ideas, suggestions or insights about our sector. We are investing more and more in the digital technology, and we can already see the result from the interaction with our digital users.(HO)
Published on: 03/08/2017

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