Interview with Mr Uwe Halder

Mr Uwe Halder
Mr Uwe Halder

18th October 1953 is a decisive date in the CHT/BEZEMA Group’s history. Production of chemical additives was started in Tübingen in Neckar on this day. In the very first year of business the company had 13 employees - and a turnover of around 235,000 Euros. Today, the company has developed into a globally active group programmed for further growth. CHT is serving its customers globally through approximately 30 agents and distributors. It is now a global player, developing, manufacturing, and distributing chemical specialities to the textile processing industry and is amongst the leaders in several markets, worldwide. The company's workforce has more than doubled from 700 to about 1,600 since 1990. Presently, the CHT Group consists of 22 companies and is represented on all continents. Mr Uwe Halder is CCO of CHT R. Beitlich GmbH and CHT/BEZEMA Group. Mr Uwe Halder (born 1960) is graduated engineer in textile chemistry from University of Reutlingen. He has been active with BASF and Dystar for many years in the global business world of textile auxiliaries and dyestuffs. From 2000 to July 2004 Mr Halder had been responsible as CEO and president of Dystar USA for the region of America. Since August 2004 Uwe Halder is CCO of CHT/BEZEMA group and responsible for Sales, Marketing and Research & Development worldwide. In a discourse with Ms Madhu Soni, Snr. Correspondent & Editor- Face2Face, Mr Uwe Halder talks about the transformation that textile chemicals industry has undergone in recent years.

Mr Halder, we noticed the change in Logo; three years back in earlier interview it was CHT R. Beitlich, whereas now it is CHT/BEZEMA. Is it just a Logo revised or it points to some strategic/operational changes too?

CHT/BEZEMA is a globally acting group of companies which is privately owned and held by foundation. Meanwhile CHT/BEZEMA group consist of more than 20 subsidiaries with the latest one in Peru founded at the beginning of 2010. BEZEMA located in Montlingen/Switzerland is part of the group since their foundation in 1971. BEZEMA is also the brand name and R&D centre of the dyestuff division of 2 CHT/BEZEMA group. In 2005 we decided to combine both company names and logos to strengthen our global profile and appearance along the entire textile chain. Beside the consequent use of our CHT/BEZEMA group logo we changed our claim from totally focused on textiles to “UNIQUE IDEAS. UNIQUE SOLUTIONS.” This new claim ispresenting the focus and strength of CHT/BEZEMA in a better way. CHT/BEZEMA group provides special chemicals and processing know-how for various industries.

Our products improve the quality, the functionality and the performance of textiles, construction material and paper as well as of detergents, home care and personal care consumer goods.

The global strength of CHT/BEZEMA group is based on our broad competence as system supplier of textile auxiliaries and textile dyes. With our products and processing concepts we support the entire textile chain from fibre to technical textile. Beside the supply of chemical solutions CHT/BEZEMA is focused on an excellent customer service locally. We support our customers by experts with high grade textile expertise of all steps in textile processing including the industrial laundry process. Industrial laundry is one of the growing industry segments in most of the countries worldwide.

Demands and requirements of this industry are increasing based on versatile laundry and textile types as well as ecological requests of most of the countries. Optimized washing results are depending on the perfect interaction of chemistry and processes which is indeed one of our main strengths in respect of textiles. Therefore the business field textile care is perfectly amending to CHT/BEZEMA strategical future perspective based on our traditional core competence of textile processing.

Has your industry also transformed in this span?

Speciality chemical industry especially industry related to textile auxiliaries and dyes is facing big changes since years. The textile industry shifted towards Asia and the entire industrial surrounding was following. Some of the traditional European multinational companies are no longer seeing textile auxiliaries and dyes as their core business. Last year BASF announced the sale of their textile activities on a global base. Dystar has been acquired by Indian based Kiri-group by end of 2009. Pulcra is now belonging to a Turkish investment group. Other multinationals are following the industry like Huntsman and Clariant which shifted their textile operations from Europe to Asia. CHT/BEZEMA group is not following this trend. Our headquarters stay in Germany including important divisions like R&D and technical service.

CHT/BEZEMA group is most globally multi-centered German company. What are the challenges and advantages?

Regarding the textile industry we do not expect in the future any growth potential in Europe. Therefore CHT/BEZEMA group is focusing in the traditional core competence textile auxiliaries and dyes, to expand the business in regions like Asia and South America. This strategical approach is supported by investments like set up of the production site in Pakistan and Peru.

In Europe we focus on double digit growth in our new business fields textile care, construction chemicals and performance chemicals. CHT/BEZEMA group is producing textile auxiliaries locally in most of the important textile countries since many years. Based on CHT/BEZEMA philosophy not running the subsidiaries with expatriates, but with local management, knowing best the culture and the needs of the customers, we are able to react flexible to changing market conditions. CHT/BEZEMA group is operating 15 production sites worldwide. Production sites are among others located in Shanghai, Dongguan and BoLou (China), Taloja (India), Lahore (Pakistan), Cajamar (Brazil), Istanbul (Turkey) Westmead (South Africa), Montlingen (Switzerland), Torreon (Mexico), Dusslingen (close to Tübingen) and Oyten (Germany).

Our R&D activities are centralized in our centre of competence in Tübingen for textile auxiliaries, construction chemicals and performance chemicals like silicones. BEZEMA AG in Switzerland is responsible for the R&D in respect of dyestuff. But important for a global success in all companies of CHT/BEZEMA group is still the comprehensive know-how transfer to the local acting technicians. This is guaranteed through regular training sessions within the different centres of competence as well as permanent support and visits by the technical experts from the different technical service departments to our customers together with the local technicians worldwide. Additionally CHT invites the customers to technical symposiums in Tübingen and Montlingen to intensify the technical dialogue and the relationship.

The industry is facing a price challenge; your comments please?

In year 2008/2009 the global speciality chemicals industry was affected by the crisis. Up to 24% of the loss in sales had to be absorbed. The shrinking raw material prices were benefiting the profit situation last year worldwide.

But the global industrial crisis is not banned yet. The industrial production is not running at full capacity therefore currently increasing raw material cost will be a big challenge for all industrial segments and countries and at the end of the day the industry has to pass the price increase on their customers.

In order to differentiate, the next wave is going to be about how much of innovation there is in the output. What is your take on this?

The development of innovative products secures on a long term perspective the competitiveness of CHT/BEZEMA group. Furthermore is the main target of our today R&D to develop new solutions and products according to our strategy in order to support the set-up of new business fields.

To achieve a profitable growth in a dynamic competitive surrounding CHT/BEZEMA group need to recognize and develop R&D opportunities at an early stage. Therefore CHT/BEZEMA group is enlarging their competence network by research co-operations and joint projects with research institutes universities and other innovative companies.

The central R&D department of CHT/BEZEMA group in Tübingen is including also a high qualified innovation team.

Published on: 07/06/2010

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