Interview with Andreas Sallmann

Andreas Sallmann
Andreas Sallmann
Swiss Textile Federation
Swiss Textile Federation

There is a high level of new innovation especially in the technical textiles...
With Fibre2Fashion Correspondent Cindrella Thawani, Andreas Sallmann talks about the trends and economy of textile and garment industry of Switzerland. Synopsis: Andreas Sallmann is the Chairman of Swiss Textile Federation. Moreover, he is the owner of his leading family business ISA Sallmann AG, Amriswil, which was founded in 1849 as well as he is the new President of TVS. Moreover, he has completed his studies in textile machinery mechanic. The Swiss Textiles Federation symbolizes and speaks for the Swiss textile and garments industry. It upholds the interests of its members. Along with, it wants political decision-makers and general public to fully understand the needs of this particular branch. Besides, another key task is to create an awareness of high performance, strengths and wide range of products supplied by the textile and garments industry. Around 200 companies belong to this Federation, which is an incorporation of several different trade associations and employers’ organisations in the textile and clothing industry. In addition, the federation shields the interest of its member companies, which function in the varied sectors. Further, they all wish to see their high quality products and services represented by a strong brand on the national and international markets. Moreover, Swiss textiles brand stands for innovative, high quality products and services as well as is appreciated as a quality mark all over the world. Excerpts:

How Swiss Textile Federation is helpful for the textile and garment industry, despite varied unlikely contingencies?

We as the Swiss Textile Federation, carry several meetings with politicians and also with the Swiss National Bank concerning the economy in general as well as for strong Swiss franc. Our discussions are taking place with our members. Besides, we try to solve problems with our assorted efforts.

Last year, country witnessed a decelerated scenario in this industry, owing to several reasons. How far the situation has improved this year?

Last year and still this year our currency is quite strong, comparatively to EURO and US$. Swiss textile industry is moving ahead with its constant efforts to push economy ahead. Moreover, it will be a difficult year for the industry, though we have good innovation products.

Sustainability is not really a cost-effective process, as it requires efficiency in its related resources. Do you think that it is a buzz word now-a-days?

For our members the theme sustainability is still a very important issue. We are really concerned about sustainability and our attempts are always active towards this. However, we don’t think that sustainability is a “buzz-word”. Our members are doing different kind of sustainability like BSCI, Max Havelaar, Blue Sign and they are very successful in that means, also there is a need from the consumer side on this issue.

According to you, what are those barriers which are constantly being raised in the purview of textile and garment industry?

A major challenge will be the loss of links in textile production chain. This is a result of the massive relocation of the textile industry or of certain manufacturing steps into the low-cost countries. For the Swiss textile industry the strong Swiss franc is a considerable handicap.

How it is imperative to have bilateral agreements as well as free trade agreement? Please elaborate.

For our members who are exporting, it is very important to have less restrictive agreements with the trade. There are several political discussions with other countries like China and Russia to find a solution about bilateral agreements. Hopefully, till the end of 2012 there will be way out for this. We would also like to have India and Brazil for bilateral agreements.

How do you foresee the economic trend of textile and garment industry of Switzerland in coming period of time?

There is a high level of new innovation especially in the technical textiles, for example Schoeller Textiles. More and more textile products will be placed in medical applications, automotive, constructions for roads and also in the architecture sections. Also, we have a very high level of embroidery which goes in the whole world. And, there are also new ways and improvements in the embroidery sections such as in the architecture where embroidered patterns will be used with tables.

What is your end-in-view and future prospects for your federation? Please interpret.

With our hard efforts as well as concerning our members, we are closely working with our government with exhaustive lobbying. We hope that our strong Swiss franc of Swiss National Bank should stay at CHF 1.20 or it should fare better at CHF 1.30, which would be better for the textile industry.
Published on: 18/07/2012

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