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'Luxury to Vote' by Louis Philippe

29 Apr '09
2 min read

Louis Philippe, the premium international fashion offering for men for many years, draws its inspiration from the era of King Louis Philippe of France – known as the Citizen King for his generosity of spirit and appreciation. A message and style statement rolled into one, the Louis Philippe wardrobe announces to the world that one has truly “arrived”.

The brand has created a tradition which symbolizes elegance, class and status among the style conscious contemporary male and is synonymous to his mark of luxury.

Thus keeping up with the tradition, Louis Philippe proudly announces its' “Luxury to Vote” campaign during the National Elections, which urges all to go and VOTE on Election Day.

In the words of Vishak Kumar, COO-Louis Philippe, “Louis Philippe considers the vote-mark as another mark of luxury which one can have. After all, the right to vote gives one the luxury to participate in the decision-making process of the country”.

This effort encourages Indians to honor the spirit of citizenship and exercise their franchise. This campaign, driven through platforms like mobile, internet and in-store, is integrated to create advocacy for the importance of each vote. It urges one to acknowledge individual social responsibility and reap its benefits.

Louis Philippe is communicating its agenda to not only Gentlemen, who strive hard for social cause and responsibility and are willing to pledge to act as responsible citizens for betterment of life, but also with an appeal to him to spread the word around to persuade others to vote as well.

Louis Philippe accepts its social responsibility and now turns over to you, to go ahead and vote; and do our bit to get as many others to vote in order to deliver a mandate.This campaign intends to achieve proactive participation and urges us all to contribute towards a superior vision of Independent India.

Louis Philippe

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