The indicator that synthesizes it, calculated from the responses of the business managers from the main market sectors, has lost a point. At 99, it has moved back just below its long-term average (100).
This degradation is the result of the less favourable business situation in all business sectors, except in retail trade, an INSEE release said.
According to the business managers surveyed in April, the business climate in the manufacturing industry has retreated sharply. The synthetic indicator is back to its long-period average (100). This withdrawal is mainly due to the balances of opinion associated with the level of the order books.
The balance of opinion on the current level of finished-goods inventories has highly rebounded and has gone back above its average.
In retail trade, the business climate has improved in April, thanks to the increase in the balances of opinion related to the general business outlook, the past sales and the expected change in the workforce size.
In April, the employment climate indicator has improved a little. At 102, it has gained a point, and therefore, remains a little above its long-term average (100).
Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DS)