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SABIC funds R&D capabilities of University

20 Jul '10
2 min read

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) has announced that it has provided funding towards developing research capabilities at King Abdulaziz University, as part of a cutting-edge program that entails numerous initiatives such as establishing a catalysis chair, delivering grants and research projects, and facilitating faculty members' participation in conferences and scientific seminars.

Strengthening cooperation with universities and research centers in Saudi Arabia is a key element of SABIC's social commitment and dedication towards building a learning and knowledge based society.

This ongoing support is part of SABIC's wider program to enrich Saudi Arabia's research and technology capabilities, which will ultimately enable the country to realize its ambitious goals for industrial and economic development. SABIC provided the funding at a function held recently, in the presence of Dr. Abdullah bin Said Al-Amri, Manager, External Networks and Projects, SABIC Technology and Innovation. Also present were Abdulaziz Al-Ahmadi, General Manager of SABIC in Jeddah, and Dr. Abdullah bin Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Dean of the Research Institute and Consultancy, King Abdulaziz University.

SABIC's programs to support research at universities have evolved significantly over time and cover a wide range of areas such as chemicals, petrochemicals, metals, fertilizers, polymers and industrial catalyst applications. These programs have now expanded even further to also support research on safety, environment, health, pollution and the recycling of industrial waste through scientific methods.

It is a key part of SABIC's strategy to strengthen cooperation with Saudi universities and research centers. The company is currently exploring various channels through which it can support research, such as through grants, funding, encouraging faculty members to participate in scientific forums, and by undergoing research projects that are directly related to its line of operations. SABIC also assists faculty members of universities in registering patents and backs other initiatives that contribute towards building a technology and knowledge based society or that help develop the research skills of Saudis.

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation

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