5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Dressing Sense

Dressing sense goes beyond just fashion. Dressing sense is believed to be that uncanny ability to make any clothes combo look amazing, attractive, and fashionable. It’s the ability to think out of the box coupled with a great deal of insight about how your body looks, which fabric and colours and cuts to choose, and how to accessorise. Here are a few aspects to pay attention to, to make sure you are choosing the best clothes for you.

The cuts matter

Contrary to popular opinion, the price of the outfit doesn’t matter but its tailoring definitely does. Regardless of whether you are buying preowned clothing, vintage clothing, or outfits from the high street, always search for impeccable tailoring. Good tailoring reflects in how the fabric sits on your body, how it looks in photographs, and how attractive you look walking around in it.


With most readymade clothing finding an excellent fit can be tricky. Most clothes are built in a standard set of sizes for what the company assumes is an average person’s height and weight. If you’re someone with special requirements (plus-size or very tall), then you may look into hiring the services of a tailor or seamstress who can make custom clothes for you from the fabric after proper measurement. Most people, in general, could also benefit from the services of a seamstress if they need any alterations or other work done on outfits and dresses they have purchased.

Dress according to body type

No matter what the magazines tell you, everyone is beautiful and if they dress according to their body type, they can look the best version of themselves. Evaluate your body in the mirror and find out which body type you belong to. In general, principles like don’t wear stripes and choose darker colours if you’re plus size are sensible ones to adhere to, as much of a person’s attractiveness depends on how well they utilise optic illusions. You need your clothes to highlight your best parts and overshadow your not-so-great bits.

Apple-shaped body types are larger in the bust region and generally on the rounder side with a somewhat smaller hip area and legs. With this body type, you should be elongating your appearance by opting for v-necks or lower necks, or even turtlenecks so you look less round.

Pear-shaped body types are heavier at the waist and the hip but slimmer elsewhere. With this body type, you can go with high-waisted pants, flowing light fabric dresses.

Hourglass shapes are another beautiful body type and as the name suggests they imply a narrower waist and a more equal proportion at the top and thighs. With this body type dresses and outfits that emphasise the tiny waist generally look great, as do shorter jackets and skirts.

Rectangular and inverted triangle body types are fairly common (in the former the bust and the thighs are more or less equal in proportion, and in the latter, the shoulders and top of the body seem larger than the mid-section resembling an inverted triangle). Paying attention to the neckline in both of these instances is a great idea to accentuate your natural shape.

Blend colours and neutrals

Ever seen a hot pink single-color dress? Unless you’re Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde, that suits almost no one. You should want to achieve a balance between colours and neutrals to look chic, sophisticated, and like you really know how to dress. If you have a hot orange top on, for example, pair it with pants or a skirt that is a low-key colour like camel brown, taupe grey, or creamy beige. Bear this in mind when you are shopping online too (shop Thurley online or other brands) as it will help you get timeless pieces you’ll return to, time and time again.

Don’t settle for less

Surveys have shown most people simply collect and unconsciously hoard clothes but come back to the same 5 to 8 outfits for most occasions. Do a clothing purge and detox and keep only the clothes you know make your heart sing.

Know thyself

The old wise maxim applies to clothes too! Make a list of the colours you like and the styles that captivate your interest. Do certain fabrics make you feel more comfortable than others? The purpose for which you are shopping is important too, such as are you buying clothes for work, formal parties or casual outings? Celebrity inspiration is a brilliant starting point, save outfit pictures on Instagram or Pinterest and see how you can recreate those looks for your body type and budget. Don’t be afraid to experiment!

Published : Oct 2021