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Polygiene ViralOff+ with lifetime of garment washability

02 Jul 20 2 min read

Polygiene, a world leader in stays fresh and odour control technologies, at a virtual global press conference, announced that it is developing a new formula which will provide testable lifetime of garment viral reduction. Even after 30 washes, the ViralOff+ treated products will reduce more than 99 per cent of the viruses in two hours, the company said.

The new formula will not be available until later in the fall, with no set date, as laboratory test availability and other factors are hard to predict during the ongoing crisis, the Stockholm, Sweden-based company said.

“Today, there is some confusion in the market since some claims to washability in fact relies on tests that are not antiviral, but antibacterial”, said Daniel Röme, chief technology officer of Polygiene. “While some applications can be washed gently, handwashed, or lasts a few tougher machine washes, very few clearly claim they can achieve the rigours of proper antiviral testing after 20 or 30 washes.” 


Many products might not have to be washed at all because of viruses or odour, but some inevitably will and then we need to be clear with expectations of how long the effect lasts.

“The demand from the fashion market has put pressure to increase wash durability”, said Polygiene CEO Ulrika Björk. “While we still believe lesser washes are always a good thing, we also want to make sure effectiveness is maintained and product lifetime is extended.”

As of June 30, over 140 global premium-brands have chosen to use the Polygiene brand with their products.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (RKS)

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