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Bangladesh Bank returns to stricter loan standards

12 Apr 24 2 min read


  • The central bank reinstated its loan classification rule of 2012 by cutting overdue time of a term loan by three months in line with the international practice in response to condition set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of a $4.7 billion loan package.
  • This is the first phase of the new rule which will come into effect from September 30, 2024.
The Bangladesh Bank has reenacted its 2012 loan classification rule, aligning term loan overdue time with international standards, a prerequisite for a $4.7 billion IMF loan package.

As per reports, under the revised rule, term loans become overdue after three months, down from six, from the fixed expiry date. Subsequently, loans default after six months instead of nine.


This initial phase takes effect from September 30, 2024, with a subsequent phase starting March 31, 2025, tightening overdue criteria further.

Additionally, banks are barred from increasing borrowers’ instalment sizes to alleviate rising loan costs even as they are urged to extend tenure for pre-July 2023 loans, offsetting increased costs due to rising lending rates.

Mustafa K Mujeri of the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies meanwhile applauded the move by the central bank of Bangladesh, suggesting it incentivises timely payments.

However, he advocated for bank-client discretion in determining instalment amounts.

Dhaka Bank’s MD and CEO Emranul Huq on his part supported shorter loan durations, emphasising quicker recovery, and reduced non-performing loans (NPLs).

He advocated for unchanged instalment amounts, prioritising manageable payments aligned with clients’ financial stability.

The lending rate, previously capped at 9 per cent soared to 13.55 per cent post-introduction of the SMART lending rate formula.

The Bangladesh Bank, however, apprehends the stricter loan classification rule could inflate non-performing loans significantly.

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