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UK nation of one-stop online shoppers: Adobe research

21 Aug 20 2 min read

Research from Adobe between March and June found that online marketplaces like Amazon were four-times more popular than retailers’ own websites and apps among UK consumers. Since March, 69 per cent of Brits regularly shopped online, and 57 per cent of them made a purchase from an online marketplace, compared with just 13 per cent from retailers’ websites.

This shows the appeal of quick, convenient, one-stop shopping experiences to customers online as well as offline. In the same period, the average online shopper in the United Kingdom made 11 purchases from an online marketplace, and just three from an online retailer.

Commenting on the findings, Peter Bell, marketing director, EMEA, at Adobe, said: “The rapid increase in demand for online shopping in the first few weeks of the pandemic, together with rapidly migrating business online and supply chain issues, made it an exceptionally challenging time for all retailers….Our data shows that consumers are sold on shopping online, so the onus is on retailers and brands to find new ways to stand out and deliver value.”

The growth in online shopping at the start of the pandemic shows little signs of reversal, even as physical shops start to re-open their doors. More than half (54 per cent) of consumers said they would continue to shop online for the foreseeable future.

Even with this clear shift, the research also found that respondents were keen to support the high street, with a third calling for a value added tax cut for high street retailers and one-in-seven favouring a fixed fee for deliveries to level the playing field for independent retailers and promote more sustainable online shopping practices.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DS)

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