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Indian MSMEs on Amazon's GSP cross $2 bn in exports

21 Jul 20 2 min read

Indian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and brands that are part of its Global Selling Programme (GSP) have crossed $2 billion in cumulative exports, according to Amazon, whose India country head Amit Agarwal recently said it is contributing towards boosting exports and job creation that will empower inclusive economic growth of the country.

"The GSP helps take homegrown businesses global and provides an avenue for MSMEs to build global brands. The programme is witnessing momentous growth. It took three years for the programme to hit exports of $1 billion and now it has grown 100 per cent to hit the next $1 billion in less than 18 months," Agarwal was quoted as saying by a news agency.

Initiated in 2015, GSP allows Indian companies to export to other countries through 15 Amazon websites globally. The programme had started with a few hundred sellers and now has over 60,000 exporters. In January this year, Amazon had pledged to enable $10 billion in cumulative exports by 2025.

Agarwal said the programme has helped MSMEs sustain their exports business and in turn, supported hundreds of families amid the Covid-19 pandemic that has led to lockdowns and disruptions in supply chains globally.

"Exports will continue to play a critical role in this revival. GSP is helping local go global. This is more important than ever for our small businesses, and for the nation, as it recovers from unprecedented time. We will continue to empower Indian MSMEs to realise their potential and make exports easy," he said.

Agarwal added that Amazon remains committed to its pledge to digitise 10 million MSMEs, enable one million incremental jobs and drive $10 billion in e-commerce exports by 2020.

Amazon also released its 'Exports Digest 2020' this week.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DS)

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