BRC appeals for stringent measures against soaring retail crime in UK

04 Oct 23 2 min read


  • The British Retail Consortium (BRC), with the support of 88 retail leaders, has urged home secretary Suella Braverman to address the escalating UK retail crime.
  • With violence doubling in the country and theft reaching £953 million in 2021-22, the BRC demands a new law protecting retail staff and enhanced police commitment, citing poor response rates.
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) has issued a clarion call to home secretary, Suella Braverman, as alarming rates of retail crime continue to surge across the UK. The appeal is underscored by the support of 88 retail industry leaders who co-signed the letter.

The daily incidents of violence and abuse towards retail staff almost doubled since pre-pandemic levels, tallying to 867 incidents daily in 2021-22. Furthermore, the scale of theft skyrocketed to £953 million, even with retailers investing over £700 million in crime prevention initiatives. Cumulatively, the economic burden of retail crime reached a staggering £1.76 billion for the 12 months leading up to April, according to 2023 BRC Crime Survey.

Echoing these concerns, another BRC survey in 2023 highlighted a 27 per cent average increase in shoplifting across ten major cities. These data points align with a myriad of recent media reports detailing the spate of thefts and violence pervading UK shops, as per the BRC.


Against this backdrop, the retail sector is pressing the government with two pivotal demands. First, the BRC insists on the introduction of a distinct legislative offence that focuses on the assault or abuse of retail staff. The objective behind this is twofold: not only to introduce sterner sentences for offenders as a deterrent but also to ensure that police forces maintain a comprehensive record of all retail crime incidents. Such a measure would optimise the allocation of resources to combat this growing threat.

Secondly, the BRC is seeking enhanced commitment and vigilance from police forces across the UK. This demand stems from concerning data from a leading retailer, which showed a lack of police response in 73 per cent of significant retail crimes reported. This sentiment of dissatisfaction with law enforcement is echoed in the BRC's annual crime survey, where 44 per cent of retailers expressed their dismay, rating the police response as 'poor' or 'very poor'.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DP)

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