UK fashion retailers best at persuading online: study

16 Mar 19 3 min read

UK fashion retailers are the best at persuading online visitors to buy, says a global study of e-commerce in fashion by Nosto, the e-commerce personalisation and retail artificial intelligence (AI) platform. But British shoppers spend less on each order than the global average—around 27 per cent less on orders via mobile and 32 per cent less on desktop orders.

UK fashion e-commerce sites have conversion rates of 1.6 per cent on mobile and 2.9 per cent on desktop, which are higher than corresponding global rates of 1.3 per cent and 2.4 per cent respectively, the data suggest.

However, the UK average order value, which is $75 on mobile and $82 on desktop, is substantially lower than the global average of $103 on mobile and $120 on desktop. This is despite the UK’s average basket size being slightly higher, according to a press release from Nosto.

“UK fashion retailers are clearly winning when it comes to converting traffic into sales,” said James White, head of UK & Ireland, at Nosto. “One of their big current challenges now is how to encourage shoppers to increase their order values by buying higher value items,” he said.

This is a complex issue, influenced by general fashion shopping habits and pricing trends in a country as well as shoppers’ confidence and trust in individual retail brands and their merchandise according to White. It could also be affected by how quickly and easily customers can return items if they don’t meet expectations.

Nosto’s study also highlights some interesting differences in fashion shopping habits in different regions.

For example, French shoppers seem to love using their phones for digital window shopping. At 186 seconds, they have the longest visit times on mobile, more than 20 seconds longer than the global average of 164 seconds. The average visit time on desktop in France is 253 seconds, compared with 143 seconds globally.

In the DACH countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), consumers appear to be highly ‘committed shoppers’; if they add something to the online cart, they are more likely than those in any of the other countries analysed to go through with making a purchase. These countries have the lowest cart abandonment rates on both mobile and desktop.

Nosto’s research is based on an analysis of 1.2 billion visits to fashion e-commerce websites globally, including over 150 million visits to UK sites in 2018. (DS)

Fibre2Fashion News Desk – India

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