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M&Co reduces returns by 10% with True Fit

10 Dec 19 2 min read

Independent fashion retailer M&Co has boosted online conversion rates by an extra 150 basis points (bps) and has seen a 27 per cent increase in average order value (AOV) since implementing True Fit, the data-driven fashion personalisation platform, on its site. The partnership has also helped improve customer engagement by personalising shopping experience.
M&Co decided to personalise the online shopper experience for new and existing customers, to engage with new consumer demographics, reduce high return rates and size sampling behaviour, and increase online conversion rates. True Fit and M&Co worked closely to implement True Confidence, which eliminates the fit and size guesswork by providing high fidelity fit and size recommendations based on each consumer’s unique body shape and preferences.  True Fit’s recommendations are informed by its Fashion Genome, the fashion retail industry’s largest connected data set for apparel and shoes.  
In the six months since implementation, M&Co has validated a 1.5 per cent sitewide boost to conversion and AOV increased 27 per cent for shoppers after registering for True Fit. Additionally, customers who buy a recommended True Fit size compared to those who don’t yielded a 9.8 per cent lower return rate.  
The True Fit partnership is part of the retailer’s customer-centric strategy to make continual improvements to its proposition that enhance the customer experience.  
“E-commerce is a key channel for M&Co, and our goal is to provide the consumer with an experience that instils confidence when purchasing products online, where you can’t try before you buy. Personalisation helps drive that experience and in turn, has demonstrated tremendous impact on the business,” said Lesley McCormack, e-commerce product manager at M&Co. “Our customers are at the heart of everything we do and empowering them to find clothes online that fit and that they want to keep is crucial to ensuring customer confidence and loyalty. We saw positive results almost immediately and the impact of True Fit has been substantial.” 
“One of our core objectives at True Fit is to instil consumer confidence. Since we know every person’s body is unique, we are excited to help consumers find clothes that they will not only love, but ultimately keep.  And True Fit’s personalisation platform eliminates much of that friction and helps funnel customers towards items they’re most likely to have success with,” Jessica Murphy, co-founder and chief customer officer at True Fit, said.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (RKS)

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