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'Indian textiles-apparel industry needs circular roadmap'

19 Jun 20 1 min read

The circular economy is not just a goal; it is in fact a means towards a better world. The means need a roadmap, and the Indian textiles and apparel industry surely needs one, according to Naresh Tyagi, chief sustainability officer at Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited.

In India, circular economy is not new, as the practice of donating, exchanging or using pre-owned clothes has been a common age-old activity. "Clothes are either handed down from older to younger siblings or re-used as kitchen wipes and mops," mentions Tyagi in an article in the hard bound fifth edition of the Sustainability Compendium - ‘Going Circular’ brought out by Fibre2Fashion.

However, "with rising globalisation, we are at risk of not only oppressing our invisible humans of circularity but also forgetting age-old approaches to sustainability that have long existed in India," he writes in the article 'Charting a roadmap'.


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