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ITMA 2023 to stimulate investment in textile industry: ACIMIT head

14 Jun 23 2 min read


  • The ongoing ITMA 2023 is a significant platform for the Italian textile machinery industry, said ACIMIT president Alessandro Zucchi.
  • He praised the high-quality of Italian textile technologies and the ITA's support for local companies.
  • The ITA and ACIMIT are promoting Italian textile machinery focusing on technology, digitalisation, and sustainability.
The ongoing ITMA 2023, the leading trade fair for the textile machinery industry, is an exceptional opportunity to showcase the prowess of Italian technology and stimulate new investments in the textile industry, asserted Alessandro Zucchi, president of the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT), in a recent interview with Fibre2Fashion.

Zucchi highlighted the prominent position Italy occupies in this sector. “Our textile technologies are considered to be of a high-quality level,” he told F2F. Zucchi also acknowledged the essential role of the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) in supporting Italian companies through effective collaboration.

“ITMA is a unique opportunity for the Italian textile machinery industry, due to the high number of exhibitors and the tens of thousands of visitors it usually attracts,” Zucchi shared. He revealed that ITA, in partnership with ACIMIT, has prepared a comprehensive project to promote Italian textile machinery with a focus on technology, digitalisation, and sustainability.


The Italian textile machinery industry, he said, plans to attract 140 top foreign buyers from 25 different countries through a widespread communication campaign. Zucchi also mentioned that numerous training events would focus on innovations presented by Italian companies at ITMA 2023, particularly on sustainable technologies and digitisation processes.

In addition, the ITA and ACIMIT will jointly organise the Italian Textile Technology Awards, recognising 18 students from textile universities in Bangladesh, India, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru, and Vietnam.

Click here to read the full interview.

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