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India's MoS Darshana Jardosh to inaugurate ColorJet pavilion at ITMA

02 Jun 23 2 min read


  • India's minister of state for textiles Darshana Jardosh will inaugurate the ColorJet pavilion at ITMA 2023 in Milan on June 8.
  • The event will showcase the latest innovations in the textile industry.
  • The ColorJet pavilion is expected to make a significant impact with its sustainable printing solutions, targeting to ease entry-level challenges for startups.

India's minister of state (MoS) for textiles Darshana Jardosh is set to inaugurate the ColorJet pavilion at ITMA, 2023 which will take place at Fiera Milano Rho Milan, Italy starting from June 8. The inauguration ceremony will commence June 8 and will include a ribbon-cutting ceremony followed by a guided tour of the ColorJet pavilion.

The event showcases the latest advancement and innovations in the textile industry. With its cutting-edge technology and exceptional products, the ColorJet Pavilion is poised to make a remarkable impact with its sustainable printing solution. With their new range of products, ColorJet is aiming to remove the entry-level barrier that often hinders start-ups by providing new sustainable printing solutions.

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Darshana Jardosh for accepting our invitation to inaugurate ColorJet Pavilion at ITMA. Her presence and support are invaluable to us, and we look forward to her inspiring words. ColorJet offers sustainable solutions to not only meet the growing demand for environmentally friendly products but also contribute to a more sustainable future and the efforts will be very much visible at the ColorJet pavilion at ITMA,” ColorJet group chairman MS Dadu said.

“We are happy that Darshana Jardosh has accepted our invitation to the inauguration of our pavilion at ITMA. We look forward to her visit and contributing to the growth of the sector under the minister’s leadership and guidance,” Arun Varshney, vice-president and business head, ColorJet Group, said.

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