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The Yarn Bazaar engages in meaningful interaction at Asha Niketan FMR

02 Jan 24 15 min read


  • The Yarn Bazaar's Corporate Social Responsibility visit to Asha Niketan - FMR, Bengaluru, showcased their dedication to inclusivity and societal well-being.
  • Through engaging activities, they fostered unity, spreading joy and support among specially-abled individuals, exemplifying their commitment to making a positive impact in local communities.
Driven by a commitment to societal well-being, The Yarn Bazaar recently visited Asha Niketan - FMR, Bengaluru, a local rehabilitation centre dedicated to supporting specially-abled individuals. This meticulously planned engagement, an integral part of the company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) framework, aimed to promote inclusiveness and provide meaningful support within the community.

The visit exemplified The Yarn Bazaar's dedication to societal well-being and the cultivation of an inclusive environment, sharing the joy of the Christmas and upcoming holiday season. The team engaged in various structured activities, including interactive games, dancing, singing, and shared moments of laughter with the centre’s residents.


Throughout the visit, the focus was on creating an environment of camaraderie, where both the team and the residents actively participated in various activities, fostering a sense of unity and support.

“The Yarn Bazaar remains committed to contributing meaningfully to society. This visit underscored our belief in creating an inclusive society and supporting initiatives that promote positivity and well-being,” expressed Mr. Pratik Gadia, founder & CEO.

The day's activities, brimming with laughter and moments of heartfelt engagement, reiterate the company's dedication to making a positive impact within local communities.

As The Yarn Bazaar continues to uphold its commitment to social responsibility, this visit is a poignant reminder of the importance of fostering connections, spreading joy, and cultivating a sense of togetherness within society.

Note: The content of this press release has not been edited by Fibre2Fashion staff.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (HU)

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