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Mr. Chandrasekhar Chaudhuri

Mr. Chandrasekhar Chaudhuri
Product Development

Shahi Exp. Pvt Ltd.
Unit-105, #156, KIADB Industrial Area,
URL: https://www.shahi.co.in/

Thanks for your support for connecting us to the correct yarn supplier. The fabric made by this yarn is extremely good and is being liked by many Top International Brands. Thanks again for your support. Hope to get the same type of support from Fibre2Fashion in future as well.

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Fibre2Fashion has helped me in sourcing some technical textiles from reliable...

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Fibre2fashion is a good platform to connect with new buyers & suppliers. The...

Mr. Abdul Mannan Talukder

I am highly satisfied to have excellent support from the team Fibre2Fashion.com ...

Mr. Nilanchal Patra

It’s been great working with Fibre2Fashion to connect with new suppliers for...

Mr. Aditya Satish

Fibre2fashion has been instrumental in creating a platform for meeting all our...


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