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German Veit Group expects competition from Italy, Turkey

16 May 20 1 min read

Germany’s Veit Group , which manufactures ironing equipment, fusing machines, pressing machines and refinishing equipment for garments, expects competition from Italy and Turkey, according to its managing director Veit Guenter, who said the firm offers 200 machines in its products range and its largest market is Germany, followed by Bangladesh and Vietnam.

As fabrics turn more technical and delicate, a very fine adjustable fusing machine with precise replication of the required values of temperature, speed and pressure over any area across the belt of the machine is needed, he told Fibre2Fashion in an interview.

These values should also be measured, recorded and reported to the centralised database and very few machines are able to do this today, he added.

For the full interview, please click here.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DS)

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