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Nextech launches 'Try-It-On' AR solution for e-commerce

22 Feb 19 3 min read

Nextech AR Solutions has released an innovative ‘Try-It-On’ augmented reality (AR) experience for online retail, the first of several technology solutions being developed for its patent pending web enabled AR e-commerce platform and site optimisation. For a low monthly subscription fee, the browser-based AR platform is accessible to all online retailers.

Rather than expensive technologies available solely for apps, Nextech’s AR solutions for e-commerce are web-based and deployed through a few lines of embed code within existing e-commerce websites. Without significant upfront costs and time related to app development, the AR platform allows retailers give their customers customised and convenient shopping experience they crave for which ultimately drives conversions and increases ROI, said Nextech in a press release.

The new solution utilises facial tracking capabilities and AI-assisted computer vision technology to provide a realistic experience that enables the consumer to see what they would look like wearing certain accessories like glasses, headwear, jewellery, and more. The current iteration tracks eyes enabling an AR preview for items like glasses, goggles, and other eyewear – with support shortly to follow for lips, ears, mouths, and other zones above the shoulder.


Once the Try-It-On technology is integrated into an e-commerce site – easily deployed through any retailer’s existing website – consumers can begin ‘trying on’ items using the camera on their preferred desktop or mobile device. The technology can also be embedded and used in banner ads and social posts on Facebook as part of a digital marketing strategy to drive store traffic and convert shoppers into buyers.

“One of the most significant pain points that remain in online retail for a consumer is the inability to try something on before they buy it. This often leads to frustration, the ordering of incorrectly sized items, and unnecessary returns that are costly to the retailer,” said Evan Gappelberg, CEO of Nextech. “Nextech’s new Try-It-On AR technology eliminates the issue by enabling retailers to offer a virtual fitting room to their consumers to assess the look and fit of an item before purchase.”

“Technologies like augmented reality shouldn’t be available only to large brands with deep pockets. There are thousands of small to mid-size retailers that don’t have budgets or technical knowhow to develop the AR technology in-house that could significantly boost sales by implementing such a technology,” said Gappelberg. “By eliminating the need for developing an app and offering a simple, cost-effective web-based program, Nextech democratises AR use and makes it available to everyone, empowering online retailers of all sizes to offer a personalised 3D-AR shopping experience to their consumers without cutting into profits.” (PC)

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