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Pafasystem & Brazzoli win ACIMIT Green Label at ITMA 2023 in Milan

09 Jun 23 6 min read


  • At the ongoing ITMA 2023, two Italian textile machinery firms, Pafasystem and Brazzoli, won the ACIMIT Green Label Award.
  • The companies were honoured for reducing their machinery's CFP the most among 40 ACIMIT members involved in the Sustainable Technologies project.
  • The event showcases technology from over 400 Italian machinery manufacturers.
The Italian textile machinery industry’s presence at the ongoing ITMA, the world’s preeminent textile machinery exhibition taking place in Milan from June 8–14, is of great significance. At the press conference organised by the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT) and Italian Trade Agency, two member companies—Pafasystem and Brazzoli, were awarded the ACIMIT Green Label Award for their commitment to reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Pafasystem, a company based in Prato, produces spinning machines, and Brazzoli, located in Senago (MI), which specialises in fabric dyeing technologies, both received an award for obtaining the best results expressed in terms of percentage carbon footprint (CFP) value reduction for their machinery, from among over 40 ACIMIT member companies adhering to the Sustainable Technologies project, the ACIMIT said in a press release.


“With the Green Label Award, ACIMIT wants to reward manufacturers that have most distinguished themselves for their commitment within our project, as well as highlight what we have achieved as an industry on the issue of sustainability. I believe research into sustainable technology solutions is an essential theme for any textile firm wanting to respond to the demands of the market,” said ACIMIT president Alessandro Zucchi.

The two winning companies duly expressed their satisfaction. Francesca Fani, CEO of Pafasystem, stated that, “We’re honoured and grateful for the prize we’ve been awarded. The Italian Green Label Award is a recognition for the work put in by our team at Pafasystem. We consistently work together as a unit to improve each and every day, with product innovations, optimising our organisation, rendering production processes more efficient, and through promoting sensitivity to issues of sustainability and the company’s social values. This prize we receive today will provide a great deal of motivation to offer to the international community and the whole of the textile district here in Prato—from which we were conceived over 60 years ago—a product and service that is increasingly modern and efficient, and above all more sustainable.”

Greta Banfi, the technical department manager at Brazzoli, pointed out that, “We joined the Green Label project right from the beginning because we feel that Italian textile machinery manufacturers play a preeminent role in promoting new green technology trends. Brazzoli has always deemed foremost the reduction of consumption for its machinery, so that our research and development activity has always been focused on providing innovative and sustainable solutions.”

For seven days, visitors at the world’s foremost textile machinery exhibition will be provided a first-hand look at the high-quality technology proposals on show from over 400 exhibiting Italian machinery manufacturers. The overall exhibition space at the Milano Rho fairgrounds occupied by Italy’s exhibitors is an impressive 36,000 square metres, which is roughly 30 per cent of the total surface area.

“Once again, the Italian textile machinery industry will play a leading role, with a large number of participants at the world’s major showcase for textile machinery. Surely an important signal to all customers, confirming the vitality of our sector, with an annual production in 2022 that grew at a rate of 13 per cent compared to the previous year,” said Zucchi.

At the heart of the many technology solutions presented at the show by Italian manufacturers are the themes of sustainability and digitisation. The requests from customers will focus on sustainable products and manufacturing processes, where digital transformation allows for more effective and efficient production. In this scenario, Italy’s textile machinery manufacturers intend to help redesign the future of the textile supply chain, focusing on these two essential themes, as evidenced by the claim ‘Shaping the Future’, which defines the Italian promotional campaign at ITMA Milan.

At ITMA, the Italian textile machinery industry can once again rely on the support provided by the Italian government, through the ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation and ITA-Italian Trade Agency, which promotes the internationalisation of Italian businesses abroad.

“This year’s ITMA held in Milan is once again an essential international showcase for Italy’s textile machinery sector. The textile machinery industry represents a point of excellence for made in Italy technology, with an entrepreneurial acumen that shows a high propensity for internationalisation, where innovative, global, high-level outlets provide consolidation for their business models. This is why we have sought to support the textile machinery supply chain with a significant investment, as part of our promotional programme, and in partnership with ACIMIT, providing our machinery manufacturing exhibiting at the fair with a structured activity plan that aims to enhance the keywords of the 2023 edition—sustainability, digitisation, and technology,” said Roberto Luongo, general director of the Italian Trade Agency.

Among the many initiatives in support of Italy’s textile machinery contingent at ITMA, taking place during the event, is the presence of 150 top foreign buyers selected by ITA and ACIMIT from about 25 different countries, as well as the Italian Textile Technology Awards, which will be rewarding 18 students from textile universities in countries in which Italian Textile Training Technology Centres are presently active or being implemented (Bangladesh, India, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru, and Vietnam), and the visit of around 40 students from the ITS TAM Technology Institute of Biella, who will be present at various booths of Italian exhibitors.

Sustainability has for years been the main focus of the research and innovation efforts of Italian manufacturers, who are committed to providing sustainable technology solutions both from an environmental and economic standpoint, solutions that are effective in cutting down on consumption and production costs. As confirmed by Zucchi, “ACIMIT has been committed to the issue of environmental and economic sustainability since 2010 with the Sustainable Technologies project, which over 40 textile machinery manufacturers have joined.”

As part of the many initiatives organised by ACIMIT for ITMA is the photo exhibition dedicated to Italy’s textile machinery sector, ‘Shaping the Future – The heritage and uninterrupted evolution of the Italian Textile Machinery Industry’. The exhibition will be showcased at the Casa Italia Lounge (Gemini room) of the Services Centre at Fiera Milano Rho during the entirety of the show, allowing visitors to discover the Italian textile machinery industry, as described through archive images of technology, production sites, and entrepreneurs who have made history in the industry.

“The photo exhibition is an evocative journey through the evolution of our industrial sector from the previous century right up to the present day, through company testimonials, photos, and videos that retrace the memory, values, and technological evolution of an entire sector that excels internationally,” commented the ACIMIT’s president.

ACIMIT will be present at ITMA Milan (Services Centre, Mezzanine Level, Rooms 61 and 62) to provide visitors with information on Italian textile machinery.

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