UK's Pangaia aims to reach net zero operations by 2025

02 Mar 22 2 min read

UK’s materials science company Pangaia has revealed carbon reduction goals and progress towards establishing an Earth positive business model. The UK-based company has committed to reach net zero operations by 2025. Founded in 2019, the company has quickly become recognised as a global leader in the market by bringing problem-solving science to life.

The announcement was shared together with a short film that illustrates Pangaia’s ethos of ‘high-tech naturalism’, demonstrating how through its innovation that is inspired by, and created in partnership with nature, Pangaia is uniquely positioned as a Nature-As-A-Solution (NAAS) company, with multiple business lines including R&D, DTC and B2B. In a world that is full of materials, nothing is out of scope for the materials science company that sits at the intersection of science, purpose and design. Pangaia is building an Earth positive business model, one that is better for the planet than if it did not exist, the company said in a statement.

In 2021, the company achieved carbon negative status (Scope 1,2,3,) having offset carbon emissions produced by its product and business operations. In addition to making carbon neutral products, Pangaia goes further to support biodiversity and plant/protect/restore trees across the world through the Tomorrow Tree Fund. Today it commits to carbon reduction goals, following science-based targets (SBTs). Pangaia will reach net zero operations (Scope 1) and will be powered 100 per cent by renewable energy by 2025. Along with additional commitments of 50 per cent reduction in emissions by 2030 (Scope 1, 2, 3), and becoming net zero carbon by 2040 (Scope 1, 2, 3). In order to reach these reductions, Pangaia will go beyond carbon offsetting to find active reduction solutions through its scientific and collaborative business model, such as working with suppliers to transition to renewable energy, investing in material science innovations to develop lower emissions products, and supporting carbon-sinking projects.

The announcement of the company’s carbon reduction goals, coincides with the launch of a manifesto and film, set to be released on February 22. Developed to further establish the position of Pangaia as a platform for materials science discovery and application, the video introduces Nature as the greatest inventor of all time and solidifies the reason why Pangaia innovates; for a planet where both humans and nature thrive. 

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