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Traditional markets to bounce back, says Australian Wool Innovation

24 May 21 2 min read

There are signs of a bounce back of traditional wool consumption markets of the UK and the US for the 2021 autumn/winter season, according to a new analysis from Australian Wool Innovation (AWI). This follows sales and import growth in China, South Korea and Japan over recent months, the first, second and fourth largest consumer markets for wool.

There is growing optimism from retailers in UK and the US that vaccination has turned around the worst elements of the pandemic, according to AWI chief executive Stuart MacCullough. “The UK’s successful vaccination programme and staged easing of restrictions has meant consumers are shopping more freely again. There is strong interest in clothing sales, particularly knitwear as the spring weather in Britain is some of the coldest in two decades."

The UK National Office of Statistics also reported that clothing stores provided the largest positive contribution to the monthly growth in March 2021, with an increase of 17.5 per cent in sales volume.


"Non-essential stores in England, and Wales re-opened on April 12.  Greater freedom of movement and socialising is expected to further increase non-essential retail spend and footfall to high street retail locations.

"Social occasions will help to drive renewed demand for apparel, with many younger consumers eager to socialise, releasing pent-up demand for fashion,” McCullough added.

The formal market – suiting in particular – is expecting a V curve recovery in sales sparked by occasion wear as Britons will be able to attend more formal events including weddings in coming months.

The United Kingdom is the third largest per capita global consumer of wool and is set to be the next cab off the rank after China and South Korea, followed by the United States, Japan, Scandinavia and Western Europe.

In the United States, there are signs that quality Italian wool apparel, such as women’s coats and next to skin items like baselayer and fine merino knitwear, has remained resilient throughout the pandemic.  And while the US retail sector is now in its Spring/Summer period, there is renewed optimism from the Italian mills for wool orders being secured for the impending 2021 Autumn/Winter season, AWI said.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (RKS)

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