In the last blog, “Here’s How to Find the Best Job for Your Personality Using Myers-Briggs Scale – Part A,” we mentioned 8 personalities. 

For those who missed on the previous blog – the purpose of the MBTI test is to know your personality better to find the right job and maybe the right spouse too. MBTI helps billions of people to analyze their personality and choose the most suitable career. 

Basically, MBTI includes 4 personality traits to define 16 types of personality. 

  • Introversion (I) or Extroversion (E)
  • Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

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However, you might have an idea of all what personality traits you possess. But the MBTI test will surely help you to discover more sides of your personality.

Here’s we have covered the next 8 personality types and the most suitable work professional and environment for each one of them. 


The Provider- ESFJ individuals like to put their interpersonal skills to organize people and process. They are turned into the needs of others and seeks to create a structure for people. They often like to help people in practical and observable ways. 

Individual prefers a high degree of organizational structure. They are driven by completing tasks with attention to order and detail. 

An ideal job for an ESFJ requires attention to procedure and specifications that allow them to work methodically. Individuals are energized by participating in a motivated, conscientious, and action-oriented team. ESFJs like to work by their values, and with others who are supportive and cooperative. 

For these individuals, the perfect workplace is the one that provides clear expectations and a friendly, structured atmosphere free from conflicts or uncertainty. 


The Performer – ESFP wants to be hands-on and in the middle of the action. These individuals prefer an active, social work environment where they can be free to be spontaneous. They like to have fun with co-workers who are friendly, laid-back, and enthusiastic. 

Individuals are practical, realistic, ready to turn into the needs of others. They often prefer a job that allows them to do service for people, and where they can see real, tangible results for their efforts. They are amazing at solving practical, people-centric problems and can put this skill to use in assisting others. 

Performers are turned into their senses and have an artistic streak. They like to engage their sensual nature through food, textile, music, or art. Individuals are stressed by strict rules or excessive bureaucracy at work and want the flexibility to address situations as they arise. They prefer projects that have immediate and tangible results over long-term projects. They are extremely focused on the demand of the present moment. 


The Protector- INFJs are motivated by the desire to help others in a practical and organized way. They are driven by their core of personal values, which include upholding tradition, taking care of others, and working hard. 

Individuals prefer work that requires careful attention to details and adherence to established procedures. They like to be efficient and structured in their completion of tasks. They like to

work behind the scenes and like to receive recognition in a low-key way. They like to feel that they’ve fulfilled their duties, but do not want to be thrust into the spotlight.

ISFJs like to work in a well-defined manner where they can achieve a concrete or observable result. An ideal work environment for these individuals is orderly, provides plenty of privacy, and includes colleagues who share the same values. 


The Composer –ISFP Individuals want to feel personally engaged with their work. They prefer careers that allow them to express themselves or participate in a cause they believe in.

These individuals enjoy hands-on activities and often gain satisfaction when they can create a tangible result from their efforts. 

ISFP like a courteous and cooperative work environment where they can work in their own space. They are well-tuned to their physical surroundings; it’s often necessary to them that their work environment is aesthetically pleasing. 

Individuals prefer to keep a low profile and to work independently. They do not usually like to be leading large groups or speaking publicly. They look for flexible, supportive, and loyal colleagues. 


The Supervisor – ESTJs individuals are best at organizing – projects, people, and operations. They can be in control and often seek out management positions. They prefer roles where they can make a decision and enforce procedures and policies. 

They quickly build a reputation as people who can be trusted with commitments at their workplace. They are reliable and get satisfaction by bringing a project to completion. They are always eager to take on responsibility, and at times they become overworked. 

ESTJs individuals are highly structured with a clear set of expectations and an organized authority structure. The ideal job for an ESTJ allows them to use their organizational skills within a set of standardized procedures to produce a tangible product. 


The Dynamo – Individuals are motivated to solve logical problems at the moment. They have a good grasp of the concrete realities of a situation. They are good at understanding the present facts, and they are often able to see a way to deal with the situation quickly. 

Individuals rely on experience to choose the best approach for the situation at hand. ESTPs are concrete, hands-on, and have a kinetic sense of how things work. Although they may have trouble envisioning abstract ideas, they are flexible with their approach. They are always up to try things that sounds logical. 

They often prefer careers where they can use their athleticism, mechanical skills, and their ability to negotiate their physical surroundings. They like to object over ideas and like a tangible product. At times, they have a problem sitting still and often avoid being stuck behind a desk. 

ESTP like a bit unpredictable job with some fun and adventure. They prefer a job which allows them plenty of flexibility to solve problems on the spot, without any pressure.


The Inspector – Individuals are dependable and meticulous. They take specifications and deadlines super-seriously. They love to work independently and systematically to complete the tasks. They like a stable workplace with clear expectations and a few surprises. They are best when they can create detailed plans of action and follow them strictly. 

ISTJs individuals like to work independently, but they also appreciate participating in the team, especially when colleagues are reasonable and businesslike. 

These individuals prefer jobs that allow them to solve logical problems in an orderly manner. The ideal work environment is quiet, organized, and structured with well-established rules and regulations. 


The Craftsman – ISTPs are motivated by a desire to achieve and utilize technical expertise. They enjoy mastering the tools of their trade. They like to introduce modern tools and technology to the business. 

Individuals prefer a task with a tangible result and feel satisfied when they build something concrete. They enjoy troubleshooting problems. And so, they prefer occupations that allow them to apply their skills to solve practical problems. 

The ideal job for ISTP involves physical activity, often with an aspect of risk or danger. They completely dislike being stuck at a desk. They are energized by actions and want to jump into the task to get things done. They like to spend more time on planning and theorizing. 

ISTPs value efficiency and logic. They prefer a job where they can be practical and action-oriented. But they want flexibility in their work, and they don’t like to over-burden by rules, procedures, or bureaucracy. 

Now, you must be aware of your personality type and the best suitable job for your personality. 

Does your current job match your personality?

If not, reach us to find the best job suitable job.